Tuesday 22 January 2019

Eclips and puzzels....

Puzzels are like eclipses…..
the unfolding takes time....
As with puzzles,
you sometimes think that you have the right piece,
it seems to fit, but.....the colour is a bit off....
and....you let it be.

Then when you almost finish,
you realise that you miss a piece somewhere else…
and go back to that odd piece that seemed to fit but not totally
You take that piece out and
as a miracle
you find the right piece for that other spot
the puzzle is finished :-)

This is the same with eclipses.
Eclipses have a theme and it is easy to forget that
you had the same kind eclips/energy some years ago.
If you look back you most of the time
see the theme for YOU and.....
it could be as a missing piece of the puzzle:
it can help you to deal with the issues now,
so you can enjoy life even more :-)!

In 2008/2009 and in 1998/1999 we had the same kind of eclipses.
How was your life then?
Did you do what you really wanted?
How was it in your relationship?
Did your inner-child speak up at that time?

For me, these were times with major shifts.
In 1998/1999 we were just back in Holland,
I changed my profession,
my parents died and
I saw how challenging live in Holland was,
not only for me, also for my children.
Jaap went working abroad and I stayed in Holland.

In 2008/2009, there was again a big shift.
My sister had committed suicide and as a family
we had to deal with that in our own ways.
I had my practice and worked with a network marketing group.
My inner child needed healing and after that healing
I realised what integrity really means.
Jaap started working in Qatar and
I joined him there part of the time.
I started working in Qatar as well.
Our children started their career.

What did I learn from these last eclipses,
 and are there still missing or 'misplaced' pieces?
It will unfold the coming year..

I 'just' have to be patience
and take it step by step,
love my self….do what make me happy.

This sounds so easy and....
it is easier said then done….
You live with people around you
and probably there is a part of you
that wants to be loved
and is pleasing sometimes….
pleasing so
'they will love me'....

I see it in my live.....
then I eat, drink or do something I don't really want
'they want me to do it and it makes them happy'
so I do it....

Is this true?!?
Do they really want me to do it,
or am I 'afraid' to me totally Me.....
I am not sure
Maybe they want me to do it, maybe not……
Most likely it is just something I 'think',
my inner child 'thinks'.….

Time to 'puzzle' some more :-)
and enjoy the time till I find all the pieces :-)