Friday 18 October 2024

Your it?!?

It is easy to talk about 'your choice'....
Is what you do today all your choice,
or is part of it the results of 'programming' in the past.....

I don't believe that we consciously choose to hurt people,
I believe we all want to live in peace,
we like to connect with others
and be there for others.
Be happy for their achievements,
and happy for your own.

How often do we make a choice because of this....
For me that is the only reason to have 'a war'......

I wrote about the Ho' Oponopono
and when using it,
I realised I wasn't really sorry.....
I said the words
I felt resentment towards the other person.....

When I realised this,
I also realised 
that I had resentment towards myself.......
Accepting this,
resentment changed into compassion
'all of a sudden' I slept a lot better the nights after.....

Your choice/my choice....
If you don't deal with 'inner situations'
it is not your choice you are following,
you are following choices from the past....

Could it be that this is
 why it looks like we are now 
a 'world at war'?
Could it be that it is in our hand to change this....
one person at a time.......?

I am in a energy of letting go
and by this you find 'old stuff'.
20 years ago I made this

It was my wish and when I look at it now,
I realise it manifested already years ago....

This was on the back: 
'Long live Freedom,
Heaven on earth.'

This didn't manifest ...yet.
I am sure it will manifest as well.....

It takes a little bit more time....
a little bit more looking at 'inner situations'...

'In my dreams there is this image
of a beautiful angel.
She dances.
She comes to me in a loving way
with a outstretched hand.
Making sure,
I get the balance back in my life.
Dancing around me,
dancing towards me,
One for always.'

I hope and wish you choose to imagine your life
in the most beautiful way
and deal with your 'inner situations'
so you can make a conscious choice....
Your choice.



Sunday 6 October 2024

Letting go of 'the system/s'.......

 With a full blown war in Lebanon,

schools are 'worried' about education......

Just a few years ago with a 'full blown' Covid,

 schools were worried about education as well:

'will the students knowledge be on a certain level?!?'

What is going on......

do we still believe 'education' of the mind, 

programmed from an energy of the past,

is still most important?!?

Do we still believe we have to label kids so they can 'fit in' ?

Do we still believe that is what life is all about?!?

How come there are 'wars' it because of 'the mind'

or is it about emotions......anger, resentment, insecurity and....

 hurt and pain from the past.......

How many 'mirrors' do we need?!?

How many mirrors do I need.......

October 9th Jupiter will go retrograde......time to heal inside.....

How do you communicate with yourself.....

Is it in a nice, compassionate and impowering way

or in shame/blame and accusing way.....

Did people/the system let you believe something that wasn't true?

Did you- because of education-

forget who you really are:

Unique, authentic and 'powerful beyond measure? 

If you forgot.....start to remember....

make it your new mantra.

Not only for you, 

but also because you realise 

that by being YOU, 

you will be leading by example.

Be a roll model for all the people who need 

to see and experience

your unique quality.

You will not feel superior or inferior,

not feel threated by others....

You will Know that the other has also an unique quality


you will start listening, communicating and connecting

and together 'Be the change you choose to see in this world'

On Oct 12, 

Pluto will go forward again,

so we can use the power we gained inside of us.

Power, instead of powering over or manipulating.....

Nov 21,

 Pluto will leave Capricorn.

The systems that were outdated and needed to transform,

starting from 2008 are supposed to be transformed.....

Did they?

Capricorn likes to 'keep the old' and it can 'protest'.....


The school system should be a system

to help children to be themselves.

Needs to help them to develop in the special human beings 

they already are inside.

They do that in a structure that is nurturing, loving

and is challenging their curiosity.

Do we have schools like this

and.....are governments -also a Capricorn system-

made changes so that children can excel/shine?

Most important: do they make sure they feel save and secure,

emotional safe and secure...

There is not a 'war' going on in Holland,

only in the school system there is....

For some there is no place.....they can not 'deal'

with certain children.....

The  school is for me 'an extension' of  parents...

an other system.....

How is that system working.....

are there still 'outdated programs' ?

We were in the war in Saudi

and I was teaching then.

Our kids were emotional 'ok'.

We talked about it, made a safe space

because we made sure we were in an emotional safe place.

Was the education at that moment important?


I Knew and still believe,

that everything that is in a child 

will come out

if you give it an emotional safe environment.

I also know that you need to be in balance

as a parent to do that.....

Before this war, 

I was already in 'another war' -my cancer-

so it helped me to deal with this war....

Is school important?

Yes it is, only.....

in a time of  war/epidemic

it is not.......

Life is showing/mirroring that something else is important:

to Be there for each other,

to Let go grateful.

You are in 'a school' that teaches you how to deal with life:

the emotional challenges,

how to be patient, to be brave,

how to deal with fear, to develop to be courageous,

to grow and heal and be grateful in between turmoil.

How is it after the Covid?

Is the biggest challenge the level of education

or is the biggest challenge the emotional state of children/teenagers....?

What did/do we learn or ....

do we need more challenges to learn and heal....

How is it in your 'family system'....

Do you use this time to heal and stop the karma you develop more......

More because you follow an 'outdated system'......

It can be because you are in an actually war,

it can also be because you are in a relational war....

How do people treat you in your family

and how do you treat them. 

Are they/or you still following 'old outdated traditions'

that 'forget' emotions......

How is it with your work?

Do you have a 'new leader' or an 'old boss'......

Do you live to work, or work to live......

and.....are you happy with it

or are you living an 'outdated family system'....

I know a powerful new leader who got fired 

because of 'this old system'......

and people who are almost in a burn out because of this old system.....

They will leaders by example the coming time.....

What do you choose?

A system can give you security and that is good, it a real security or a false one......

If it is a  security based on fear, 

then you is a false one.....

Take time to look inside.

Choose to be courageous

be patient, 

be compassionate,

take one step at a time.....

BE the one you choose to be...

Be the light,

Be unconditional love.


there is no one else

and that is good.


and Know

you don't have to do it alone.

There are more people like you:

unique, courageous and compassionate.

We can start building a new system.

A system that looks at people first.

Tuesday 1 October 2024

Ho 'Oponopono

 This Hawaiian prayer/healing method

is using the energy of 'we are all One'.

The other is mirroring us 

what we cannot see in ourselves ....yet.

By saying these sentences you acknowledge this.

It is very powerful and...

easy to do ....and not to do.....

Tomorrow there is a Solar eclipse.

The theme: 

-war and peace

-yourself and yourself in partnerships.

The Sun and the Moon in Libra....

a new moon, a new start....

Can we be self respected, independent

and solve conflicts

or do we choose to have 

'peace on the outside and war inside'....

This eclipse is in a tension energy with Mars,

a Mars that wants to defend the people 

who can not stand up for themselves,

a Mars that can forget 

that it has to take care of her/himself first.....

How many of you feel helpless at the moment...

and also anger and passion - Venus is in Scorpio-

What can you do?!?

There is a real war going on,

not only in the Ukraine,

but also in Lebanon.......

If you feel frustrated, powerless, angry 

you can choose to sent Reiki 

or do the Ho 'Oponopono....

By doing the Ho' Oponopono 

you are healing the part in you 

that the outside world is mirroring you....

Can you be yourself?

Can you be yourself in a relationship?

Did you make concessions?

Perhaps to many concessions, 

then this eclipse will 'help' you....

Most  likely you felt it the last months

and will feel it the coming months......

-an eclipse is not only working when it is exact....-

You can use the Ho 'oponopono in relationships as well...

Where in your life 

are you still 'afraid' to say what YOU feel....

Where in your life 

do you make compromises 

to have an harmonious life on the outside

and 'war' inside....

Five planets are retrograde and in a few weeks,

there will be seven: 

time to look inside......

time to re-visit, re-adjust, re-start.

Will we see diplomatic talks to stop the wars?

I hope so.

I am sure that in many relationships

this theme will come up as well:

is there a good balance in being yourself

and respecting the other.....

Knowing that sometimes 

you have to make concessions 

for the bigger goal. always should be in balance,

meaning: good for the both of you.


Tuesday 17 September 2024

A flower and a little field mouse.

 Sometimes you get a very special image on your path....

I walked past this bush....all but one flower was standing out.....

Standing out AND part of the bush.......

The energy we are in now and next year,

is letting go of the old and start something new.....

Like this flower: it needed the soil from the old plant to bloom...

Let's remember that our past can be fertile soil if you let it be,


you can put to much water on, and stay a victim....

I started this blog last week and....

I saw a same plant with also one purple one sticking out.....

What are the chances....

Everyone of us is a unique part of Cosmic energy.
How good do we know our own part?

I am close to my Solar return
and for me it is the time to look back.
With the second bush with one fresh flower
and finding a little mouse 
in the swimming pool were I was swimming,
it was time to find out what it meant to me....

It was a hectic emotional year for me.
As with the flower, I choose to be me 
AND....also realise that I am part of my past.

In our thinking world, 
emotions are easy to put in our cell memory....
In our youth most of us had to 'behave' meaning:
'don't make waves', 'make your parents proud'.

How is it in our adult life?
Are we still afraid to make waves?
Are we still thinking of making the people/the world 
around us proud and forget 
that we 'only' should make ourselves proud.
We can stop proving......we already ARE....

This last year I got 'help' to let go of the cell memory that was outdated....
Emotions that I 'parked' there to survive when I was younger,
emotions from my 'wounded inner child',
emotions that helped me develop my talents.
Also emotions that blocked who I already am: 
Love......'just Me'.....

I got help in the most beautiful way and also challenging way:
our grandchildren. They are angels on my path.....
It is special to see them at the age, 
that was a challenging age for me as a child.
Old emotions from me were/are mixed with my own....
By mentioning this, 
I also say that I got other angels on my path before:
our children.....
They helped me and are still mirroring me to be ME again.

So does this mean that if you don't have children,
you don't get this opportunity? clients, people on my path,
neighbours, situations in the world:
they all are there to help you.
Help you if you choose not only to look,
but also to see....

That little mouse in the swimming pool:
can I let go of fear?
Can I be ME or better:
do I remember that I have the choice
to uses my courage and power 
that is already in me.,,

Jaap got a half new knee,
our bathroom is renovated
because of a routine I developed in the past years,
I could deal with it all and enjoy.

In my work I see many people going trough challenging time,
most of their challenging starting at a very young age.
Insecurity, afraid to be themselves, anger, frustration:
control is not working anymore is very challenging....

'Being patient'
'Taking one day at a time'
'The other/the world is your mirror'
All easy to say.....not so easy to do.....

A good thing to remember....

Because of the challenges in my own life,
I developed my 'courage muscle'.
'It will get better,
I don't know how at the moment,
but in the past it became better,
so it will be again.....'just be patient'

In the beginning I had a few doubt,
only it became better.....
not always in the way I imagined,
but always in a way that was good.

Life is meant to be living,
is growing,
is healing,
is going back to who you already are:
living the life you choose,
remembering that you are born to live in abundance.

Monday 2 September 2024

Can you choose for compassion......first with yourself?

 When a baby is born,

it is welcomed with love, patient and protection.

Parents are happy and will do everything to make sure it is safe and secure.

If it cries they pick it up, give lots of love 'just can Be'......

It can be unique, incomparable.

How long can a child be in this space.....

There whole childhood, or.....

.a few weeks, months, a year.....

Do we as adults Know we are unique, incomparable

or do we believe 

we have to proof something 

to hide our wounds....

Do we realise our inner child is speaking up

when we 'think' we can not be our unique self....

Do we realise our inner child is speaking up

when we react strongly emotional....

Do we realise our inner child is speaking up

when our body gives us signs........

With all the retrograde planets and Mercury still in it shadow,

there is no easy way out....

I thought I did a lot ......

I spoke up, looked at family patterns and.....felt so much better

and then.....

-most likely because I am ready to go a layer deeper again ;-)-

I am challenged again.

Luckily I was prepared, organised and still......

I am asked to speak up a bit more

and this time my arms got an allergic reaction:

red, itchy, swollen.......

-arms are connected with communication-

Mars is involved  -red, itchy-: 

am I still holding on to old patterns?

Is it still more safe to speak up 'a bit' than to be totally honest?

Am I afraid to hurt the other because I feel the hurt inner child


am I afraid to set boundaries.... am I worth it?!?

'The person you are asking about is trustworthy'......

A daily cart I got many, many times and.....

it took a while to realise that it was not about someone else.....

it was about ME.....

Do you believe you are trustworthy or.....

do you look at other people's reaction

and that is how you feel you are.......

Look at small children....

they 'just Are': 

happy, trusting, exploring...

They 'only' need an adult to make sure he/she is safe....

physically and emotionally.

Were you safe when you were small,

did you feel safe or.......

were you a feeling person in a thinking environment

and didn't know how to deal with it.....

finding ways to 'survive'...

What about parents in Lebanon, Israel, Palestine, Ukraine and Russia....

They were in a war before and have the chance to heal and let the trauma go,

or..... react from their pain.

What about the children who live there: 

will they feel safe and secure or do they have 'to fight' when they are teenagers

because there is still so much anger, so much insecurity inside.

Can we communicate and be open or....not.....

Uranus went retrograde and will stay there till January.

Pluto went back in Capricorn, till mid November.

Where in your life are you not free yet....

Were do you want to keep the old even if it is not good for you anymore.

What is society letting you believe,

What does social media let you believe


What do you choose....

Love or fear,

Abundance or lack,

Being authentic/you and trust that you are part of society,

or do you conform because of lack of self-worth.

Can you accept and go on,

or do you want to control.......

Sometimes my 'heart breaks' and

I Know every one of us has to go through there one issues.

I choose to be compassionate.....

Not only with others,

also with myself.....

Friday 16 August 2024

Being patient with yourself

 In a pond close by our house 
I saw this 'lotus'.....

Symbol of purity, serenity, knowledge and faith in our selves.

Also spiritual awakening, overcoming adversity and resilience...

Resilience: recover quickly from difficulties, toughness,

to spring back into shape easily.

I was walking with Jaap. 

6 weeks ago he got a halve new knee

and he is walking and biking again.

This after almost a few years of struggling

and walking with a crutch the last months.

Transforming, rebirth...

It was a tough operation and the first week

was not always easy.

He had to practice and will keep practicing

to get stronger day by day.

Was it worth to go through?

Yes it was......

To go through a transformation is not an easy path

and sometimes you 'need' a sign that it will be ok....

Apparently I needed a big sigh.....

a huge white feather on my path...

With so many retrograde planets,

we are asked to look inside.....

To remember that: 'we are all One'.

We are asked to look at our mirrors that show us,

what we can not see in ourselves..... yet.

All mirrors: 

physically, mentally, relations,

society/nature and 


How scary this is.....

Are you open to forgive yourself 

for the things you did when you didn't know better?

Can you be vulnerable AND compassionate?

Are you using your power or are you manipulating.......

Do you KNOW you are good just the way you are or.....

   do you believe you have to proof this.....

Are you afraid to make waves or do you choose integrity....

What do you do if you feel your cell-memory is touched....

   are you facing it or are you running away.....control or trust.....

At the moment I am calm in my heart .....


my body doesn't believe this.......

'Old stuff' is touched........

How afraid am I /was I.......

Do I believe I 'need' to hold on to it or else:

     -I would be hurt again

     -I have to proof myself again and......I fail....

     -I will be al alone .........

How scary it is to be authentic, 

to be you AND part of a group.

How scary is it to speak your mind 

when you know your loved ones have a different opinion.

How scary is it to be open and compassioned 

to people who hurt you a lot in the past, you felt betrayed by....

Do you trust you have grown,

do you trust energy,

are you open to investigate and heal a bit deeper?

Do you remember you 'Are love'

and 'Powerful beyond measure'?

I choose to keep fixing 'the faults'/challenges in my own life,

I choose to do that because I Know: 'we are all ONE'

I choose this because I believe in a world of peace....

I choose this because may be I can also be one of the people

who will make the change in this world happen:

'Be the change I want to see in this world'


it can be a challenge......

like a new halve knee operation,


at the end it is more then worth it.....


Monday 5 August 2024

'The shift' .....from 'slavery' to inner power.

 In my last blog I wrote about the change of Neptune from Pisces to Aries

The last time it came into Aries was in 1862 till 1876.

The Red Cross was founded,

selflessly helping people in need.

Something else happened as well:

abolishing slavery .......

Everyone is the same

deep inside.....

Everyone is love.....

If people don't feel loved,

the energy of being a victim will start to grow,

the energy of fear

an energy of finding a new way to get love

even if it is not a healthy way....

Are we open to let go of this way and go back to the start feeling:


Where are you a slave to, what are you addicted to?

Is it social media....

   to be afraid of nothingness/space?

   to let them tell us what we have to think and believe, 

      so we don't have to think for ourselves....

Is it a feeling you had in your past relationship....

   afraid of attracting someone better?

   feeling guilty and ashamed that it 'didn't work out,

      instead of seeing it as a stepping stone to attract a better relationship for you....

Is it a pattern from you youth.....

   afraid to be responsible for yourself?

   afraid that not all your family will accept you anymore 

      instead of embracing and respecting each others uniqueness....

Is it to always being right....

   to hide your insecurity?

   to believe that there is only one 'rightness', one truth

      instead of realising there are different truths for different people...

Is it to be always available for everyone.....

   to hide that you believe you only worth living, as you give?

   to believe that others can not do it the 'right'/your way

      instead of feeling part of a community and you do it together.

Is it to be in control.....

   to hide that you don't believe someone will help you in the right way?

   to hide your insecurity and feel 'safe',

      instead of Knowing that you are your own parent know and you can make yourself safe.....

Is it to be the best parent....

   to hide your own wounded child?

   to be a 'helicopter' parent, hiding your insecurity and anxiety

      instead of Knowing that YOU are the parent now, and YOU can trust....


Could it be that we forgot that each of us is a masterpiece.....

Could it be that our parents/grandparents forgot that as well.....?

The history of Slavery 

is not only the history of black and white.

It is the history of poor and rich,

of power.

Power over and being a victim.

About fear and love

It is the story of




It is the story of family's and country's.

Is is the story of us and them instead of  'We are all One'

Can we make the next step?

Stepping out of our victim ship and step in our power?

Letting go of guild and shame and be responsible.

Can we see where we still play the victim in our own life

AND .....accept it first 

AND.....then choose to let it go....


Are we still afraid of our power,

afraid of the consequences

-our wounded child 'knows' the consequence

and can forget that we are the adult now.....

we are here to protect....-


do we accept it...

Speak up when needed,

go through our fear, remembering our power.

DO what is needed,

BE the change you want to see in this world.....

A good movie to re-see is 'the shift'

The Shift by Wayne Dyer (


'You are born to live in abundance'

'You are powerful beyond measure'.

Thursday 1 August 2024

Planets are changing......are we?


stop fighting against,

and listening to the fighting inside....



trusting that the fighting inside

is 'just' to protect YOU.....

letting go of control and....listen

Listen to hear instead of to respond....

In my blogs I talked a lot about the Pluto change.

Pluto who started it's journey in Capricorn in 2008.

We are already in the energy of Aquarius, only

from Sept. till end of November 

it will visit Capricorn for the last time.

Did we as society/personally

transform old patterns, old systems

so rules and regulation are there to help people

and society or.....

Do we use it to scare people,

to power over people...

Do you set healthy boundaries?

Do you realise that rules are there to help you

or do you feel trapped....

Do you believe someone else has to take care of you

or do you Know you are 'powerful beyond measure'?

Pluto in Capricorn....

Two other planet will move to another sign as well,

also slow moving planets, so they will be a big impact as well.

They move next year.


the planet of unconditional love,

of illusions, dreams, spirituality,

the arts and 

-if not balanced-

expressed in addictions:

drugs, alcohol, work.

In 2012 it started it's journey in Pisces.

Neptune and Pisces are the same kind of energy,

so they enhance each other.

People/you got more empathic,

felt connected: 'We are all one'

and felt energy and were asked

to let go and trust more.....


how grounded were we/are we?

Pluto in Capricorn 'helped' us to ground....

not always in a way we choose to,

but in a way we needed......


'I only have to dream and imagine

and everything will come as I wish'

make people feel like a victim.

Politician became 'forgetful',

used fear to get a we-she feeling.....


Groups felt victimised and wanted compensation,

sometimes even in a forceful way.....

it looked easier than looking inside.....

Just the other day there was an attack in England,

girls who were 'just dancing' were killed.

The day after there were riots.....

people from outside the community came

because 'they heard' it was a Muslim boy who did it......

it wasn't true......

Next year Neptune will start in Aries.

The last time it went in Aries 

was between 1862 and 1876.

Aries is a total different energy than Pisces!

It takes action, goes after a vision

and -as in Pisces- it need grounding!

In 1862, the Red Cross was founded:

helping people who need help...


Do we need to found another organisation

or do we all realise

how important 'the red cross' is.....

So: not opening borders for them as a country 

is not ok's who act like this

should be holding accountable.....

Next year Uranus will move signs as well.

Uranus the planet of sudden changes, surprises,

to be unique and authentic.

It started in Taurus in 2018.

Changes is environment, money, values

were needed.

Taurus likes to have peace and harmony,

stability, loves beauty and rest.

It also can be stubborn:

holding on to values and harmony,

that are 'fake'......don't like to change.

So with Uranus 

society/people 'had' to change....

The climate and nature showed us it is stronger than we are...

If we want to have peace and harmony

we have to make changes.....

The HBTIQ community

showed us that we are all one and unique.

And/and instead of or/or

Now I see a lot of people 

looking into changing the school system....

Is it still good for children?

Can they be themselves or do we 'program' them


So many children have labels now......

how come they can not be 'just themselves'.....?!?

Is it to tough for teacher/parents/society?!?

Children Need to feel that they are ok,

if they are not they act up....

-the opposite side of Taurus is Scorpio-

Jong children using knifes, fire guns....

Divorces, femicide, LHBTIQ, social media:

how safe it the world for kids,

the future of our world?

Next year Uranus will be in Gemini.

Were will you be the rebel?

Can you break through old idea's?

The last time it was in Gemini was between 1942 and 1949.

What kind of old ideas do we still have?

About schools?

About religions?

About family's?

About communications?

Will social media tell us what beauty is?

Will social media tell us how to behave?

Will social media tell us what to believe?


will we respect each other

and see each other as 'another you'

will we be independent AND connected....

Will we be safe and secure inside to 

respect and love each other with other opinions?

Do we Know that we all only want one thing:

To love and be loved,

to be unique and share our talents

with each other who share their talents with us.....


With all this we need to be grounded,

we need to feel safe....

We also need to let go and be open for new,

to be courageous, curious and.....

determined and patient....

For now let's start 

with accepting what is.

What happens, happens.....


let this be the start 

to make happen what we choose....

Saturday 20 July 2024

Shine bright..

 In our garden we have a few hydrangea.

In one of them there were a lot of hidden flowers.

There are also a lot of 'unidentified species' ;-)

Some I took out, only one of them looked like blooming....soon....

I decided to wait and trust it would

show me a wonderful flower....I just needed to be patient....

I asked for a second opinion about the hydrangea:

'can I cut the green leaves so the flowers are showing that not good for the plant?!?'

She helped me with the cutting and said:

'by the way: that is just a weed you keep there....'

I took out the weed.....

What do we/I do in real life.....

do we 'hide' our flowers?!?

are we afraid to shine?

What do we do with 'the weeds'?

Do we keep them and 'hope they will bloom and makes us happy?!?'

How tough is it to let go and shine....

show and share your talents....

How easy is it to hope for 'flowers' from weed....

while they just take up space.....

Mercury is in it's shadow now and will be retrograde from Aug. 4.

How do you communicate with yourself?

Mercury is in the sign of Leo: 

Shine.... or do you believe you have to

proof that you are good enough.

Can you 'just BE', speak from inner power

or....are you afraid....

And while in  the shadow there is 'a hack',

computers are out and

flight are cancelled, 

operations in hospitals are cancelled..... is 'only' the shadow of Mercury....

what can we expect when Mercury goes retrograde?!?

What will Biden do, what will Trump do....

Can they communicate from a mature Leo......?

What will happen in the Middle East....


Will we see an healthy ego or an immature one....

Do people want to be 'the boss' or do leaders remember

the lead people......

How is it in your life?

Can you speak up for your self 

or do you feel you need to be 'angry', bossy.....

or else no one is listening.....

How insecure are you AND....that is ok:

to realise it, accept it, 

you can choose to change it.....

Have compassion with yourself

and with the people around you......

everyone is going trough it in his/her own way....

Thursday 4 July 2024

Honest and kindness.

We start July with 3 major planets moving retrograde.

We will re-visit, re-set,

re-start, re-focus and re-adjust

parts in our lives that needs to look at.

With Saturn, Pluto and Neptune

it will most likely be situations 

were we didn't take responsibility,

were we didn't like to transform, only 'change'

and parts were we choose to look through pink glasses,

were we were dishonest with ourselves or others.

Parts that focus on fear instead of love.

We will re-visit the end of last year till now.....

Take time to look back,

look back with compassion for your self.....

Choose love over fear.

Look back with patience.

Look back and remember: YOU have the power!

Also remember: YOU are love....

Do you feel loved or is there a part of you that still believes 

you need to prove that you are lovable,

parts that focus on fear, 

instead of love....

For me, 

it is accepting that we all are 'traumatised children'......

Most likely we 'had to be' 

or else we wouldn't grow and develop our talents....

we wouldn't grow and heal.......

I also believe that we live in a time 

were we don't need to get more 'traumatised children'.

We Know more as adults now. 


By healing ourselves we

can help the children, 

who chose to come at this time,

to live a life were they can be 

their unique self.

Feeling loved and showing their love.

Living a life of happiness and abundance.

Developing a world were love is the energy instead of fear.

They need to have positive role models/parents who help them

to set boundaries, to help them to build the muscle

 of determination and patience.

I had a huge break trough

by realising that some signs were not there to make me DO something for another,

they were there to STOP doing it.......Pluto....

I work with energy 

and connect with energy of others 

to help them,

and still....

for myself I wasn't always sure....fear came up

I took responsibility and - realised I was calm instead of emotional

                                        - that my insecurity was false.......Saturn and Neptune.

This period of these retrograde planets 

will go on till the end of the year,

from November Saturn and Pluto will go direct, 

Neptune in December.

Take time to look back,

be compassionate with yourself and others,

be patient

and realise: 

YOU will 'Be the change you want to see in this world'....

If you look at the world:

we had elections, there will me more elections 

and a lot of changes.

There is still war going on, dishonesty and 'fog'....

Can we start within ourselves and by this 

speak up when necessary,

set boundaries the children in this world

to 'just be' a child....

to play

to have fun,

to be themselves......

To create this world we all like to see so much:

peace and happiness,

respect for each other,

admiring each others uniqueness.

Honesty and kindness.....