Sunday 29 August 2021

Let's cheer and be grateful for what we have in our live, so we can attract more!

 A few weeks ago I saw a post about children in Lebanon.

They were cheering when the electricity went on again and

some people didn't like that: 'it should be on all the time!' should....



doesn't it show that we forgot to be grateful?

Forgot to be grateful for what we have.....

that we need the lack of it, 

before we see how special it is...

That we 'expect' and 'want' so much

and forget that not all is a matter of course....

Could it be that we are in a time 

to re-learn to be grateful again.

Grateful for what we have,

instead of waiting for the universe to 'help' us see it....

Grateful for a healthy body,

treating it in a respectful way

-even if we are not sick-

or better: 

because we respect our body.

Realising that we are nature,

so we need to respect nature,

before it shows us 

that it is stronger than we think 

and also realise to respect small things:

a virus is small, but is very powerful....

How grateful are we?

Do we need another wake up call?

Do we 'just' expect to need more vaccinations,

and get them,

instead of making sure we work together with nature

so our immune system will work as it should be?

Do we include everyone in the world,

realising that we are all connected?

Do we respect nature or are we still misusing it,

destroying it and.....

by doing so, also ourselves....

How grateful are we of our image:

do we feel we have to show an image 

that we expect others want to see of us

or are we grateful for who we Are.....

Knowing we are unique and special

and it is important to show it....

so others feel they can show it as well....

Are we grateful for our relationships,

grateful of the mirrors they show us of ourselves,

helping us to heal....


do we need people to leave is,

to realise how important they are...

Do we need an illness to realise

that we should be grateful for the amazing 'vehicle'

our body is and

do we need people to die

before we are grateful they were in our lives.....?

How often do you tell people

they are important for you?

Are you listen to your dreams

or are you following your fears.....

I got a great opportunity to find out for myself:

we had a few visits with our family,

and they were all great.

I see challenges and highlights with them

and I react in the same way:

I am grateful and I trust......

I look at their lives and am grateful,

they deal with their fears and go for their dreams. 

My old way would be: 

'I have to help and give advise'.

Now I can 'just' look at it and enjoy,

Knowing it is good, just the way it is,

a special and liberating feeling!

When I think about the children in Lebanon cheering,

I am so grateful for the mirror children give us:

don't fall 'asleep', stay focused, stay grateful,

be happy and enjoy!

For me, this is they way to live,

so more of what you desire can come to you....

I left Holland a long time ago.....

I think it was a good thing:

it helped me to be myself,


I 'had' to come back a few times

to 'check' how far I had come and:

that was also a good thing.

You can move houses,

move to different country's,

have different relationships,


you can never walk away from yourself.

I got the opportunity to see 

if I could be myself in Holland.....

I can.....

Can I do it all the time?


but more and more ....

and I don't need to move to different country's anymore :-)

Being grateful helped a lot,

For me it feels like a magnet:

you attract what you are,

not what you have....

By dealing with your past:

accepting and healing,

love can come in again

and we all can be as children again

in an adult way!

Friday 13 August 2021

Do you recognize your fear or is it 'mutating'.....

You can look at this and decide it is about the Coronavirus,

you can also look deeper:

do you have old patterns/habits that you don't deal with?

Realise they will 'mutate' and will go on mutating.....

as often as you need to,

as often as you are ready to heal.....

All the situations in our lives 

that happened to us when we were small,

or energies we picked up from our environment,

didn't kill us......

they just 'mutated'......

We found a way to deal with it,

to survive, to make sense of it

-even if that was not possible-.

To make sure we were still be loved,

to hide our fear, our hurt....

When we get older,

we get other situations in our live

and we react/respond from the 'mutated' version.

We can keep doing that, only it doesn't make us happy.....

So we have a choice:

to accept, investigate and heal 

-by ourselves or with the help of others-

or.....start another mutation.....

Situations in our live, in our society

would come up to help us heal,

to help us following the path our soul choose to go..


we get as many changes as we need to.....

I hear a lot of people talk about fear/not fear...

For me fear is a lack of love,

fear is not trusting others and.....

by that not trusting yourself....

Sometimes it is as if it is not ok 

to accept your fear,

as if it is something bad......

Realise that fear helped us to survive,

you developed habits that you needed then....

not now anymore....

By not accepting your fear,

you 'fuel' the fear....

Can you trust the Cosmos?

Can you trust that everything happens 'just' the way it is supposed to be?

Can you accept that everything is energy

and we only can let love in 

if there is space.....


 The fear is not only yours.....

it is also from society......

The pain, the hurt is not only yours,

it is also from society....

Are you prepared to do your part?

Are you open to the suggestion that 

perhaps there is fear inside of you,

unsolved pain and sadness....

Just to be open for the suggestion,

it makes it easier to let the fear go and let love in....

to stop the 'mutations'....

to go from surviving to living.....

We are all alchemist.....

if we choose to be....

If we decide to face the fear and go through the pain...

If we decide to let love in.


we have all the power inside of us,

we ARE already love....

We only 'forgot'.....for a little while....

If we start to remember, 

there are no 'mutations' necessary anymore.....

'I hope he will not cheat again!'

'I will do it, because he probably forgets.'

'They forgot to bill us for this: we are lucky'

'Be careful what you put on social media!'

'He said I should feel like this and I don't'

'He isn't vaccinated!?!'

'He is vaccinated!?!'

This could all be about fear and also about setting boundaries,

do you feel the difference?

If it is about setting boundaries then there is love involved,

and it is 'neutral'.....

If it is fear, there are strong emotions or a 

stubborn 'being right' habit....

Could this be the stop of 'mutations'......?

It's worth the try....

Friday 6 August 2021

How sure are we?

This is the energy of the month of august.....


we are not sure....

Not sure if we, as society,

can take the next step....

Not sure if we are safe

if we take the next step......

What if....

What if we are all alone,

What if we are not right.....

What if we will not be protected...

Insecurity and fear....

Ask for help


Realise that you can set boundaries AND trust.....

Realise that you can make mistakes AND be a good person....

Realise that if you are critical about others,

that you are even more critical about yourself....

Choose to let go and be patient,

have compassion with yourself.

Not all leaders are bad,

not all people in society are doing things 

only for their own good and not for society.....

I know some do.....


is that the reason to trust no one anymore,

forget the leaders who did great things?

This month it is  time to look inside,

to take care of ourselves,

spoil ourselves.

We have to look at our body: 

what does it need?

What kind of 'food'?

Realise how important good food is, 

it is our fuel and should also be our joy.

It improves our immune system..

Good food is also what you read and hear...

Do you only listen to what fits in your believe system,

or are you open to really 'hear',

to listen....

Are you open to change your opinion,

if you know better, you believe you are 'right'......

Good food is also the people you have in your life:

do you have fun together,

enjoy the time together?

Are they making you happy, 

mirroring you so you go on healing?

Last year there was the blast in Beirut....

Last year there was fear about the Corona.....

Last year there was fear about Vaccinations.....

Are we patient and.....determent,

did we heal, face our fears

and took responsibility......

Can we take the next step,

the step to Uranus:

remember that we are all One,

unique and free....

Free to be ourselves AND be part of the community....

Uranus and Saturn in a square......


challenges to 'help' us find a middle way....

The fears of last year are not all gone this year,

we even get some more challenges,

forest fires and floods......

This month we will be challenged with insecurity....

our own insecurity....

Do we use old patterns to project,

or do we react from inner power....

Can we use our passion, our inner fire

to make changes or are we 'burned up'.....

Can we use our emotions to be compassionate

or are we 'overwhelmed'...

Most important to remember:

We don't have the big picture....

we don't know it all.....

Science was good for us AND.....was misused......

Do we focus on the good and hold people accountable

or don't we trust anybody, anything anymore......

not even ourselves...

It is a month were we can see rioting,


 people who choose to be free...

It is not the same...... 

Some wants to be free without healing,

and will destroy,

the other wants be free with healing,

and will have compassion...

Are you grateful or confused?

Most likely a bit of both.....

and that is ok.

It is not easy to trust all the time,

to accept that you don't know it all,

even though the media let us believe we do...

'groups'/'leaders' let us believe that they 'know'......

The only thing I Know for sure

is that we are all Love....

all on our own path of happiness,

that we are all unique 

and 'wounded' in the past....

That our 'mission' in the world

is to be happy and enjoy life

so others can be happy to.

Choose to be happy and grateful,

even if you are not sure yet....