Saturday 20 July 2024

Shine bright..

 In our garden we have a few hydrangea.

In one of them there were a lot of hidden flowers.

There are also a lot of 'unidentified species' ;-)

Some I took out, only one of them looked like blooming....soon....

I decided to wait and trust it would

show me a wonderful flower....I just needed to be patient....

I asked for a second opinion about the hydrangea:

'can I cut the green leaves so the flowers are showing that not good for the plant?!?'

She helped me with the cutting and said:

'by the way: that is just a weed you keep there....'

I took out the weed.....

What do we/I do in real life.....

do we 'hide' our flowers?!?

are we afraid to shine?

What do we do with 'the weeds'?

Do we keep them and 'hope they will bloom and makes us happy?!?'

How tough is it to let go and shine....

show and share your talents....

How easy is it to hope for 'flowers' from weed....

while they just take up space.....

Mercury is in it's shadow now and will be retrograde from Aug. 4.

How do you communicate with yourself?

Mercury is in the sign of Leo: 

Shine.... or do you believe you have to

proof that you are good enough.

Can you 'just BE', speak from inner power

or....are you afraid....

And while in  the shadow there is 'a hack',

computers are out and

flight are cancelled, 

operations in hospitals are cancelled..... is 'only' the shadow of Mercury....

what can we expect when Mercury goes retrograde?!?

What will Biden do, what will Trump do....

Can they communicate from a mature Leo......?

What will happen in the Middle East....


Will we see an healthy ego or an immature one....

Do people want to be 'the boss' or do leaders remember

the lead people......

How is it in your life?

Can you speak up for your self 

or do you feel you need to be 'angry', bossy.....

or else no one is listening.....

How insecure are you AND....that is ok:

to realise it, accept it, 

you can choose to change it.....

Have compassion with yourself

and with the people around you......

everyone is going trough it in his/her own way....