Friday 18 October 2024

Your it?!?

It is easy to talk about 'your choice'....
Is what you do today all your choice,
or is part of it the results of 'programming' in the past.....

I don't believe that we consciously choose to hurt people,
I believe we all want to live in peace,
we like to connect with others
and be there for others.
Be happy for their achievements,
and happy for your own.

How often do we make a choice because of this....
For me that is the only reason to have 'a war'......

I wrote about the Ho' Oponopono
and when using it,
I realised I wasn't really sorry.....
I said the words
I felt resentment towards the other person.....

When I realised this,
I also realised 
that I had resentment towards myself.......
Accepting this,
resentment changed into compassion
'all of a sudden' I slept a lot better the nights after.....

Your choice/my choice....
If you don't deal with 'inner situations'
it is not your choice you are following,
you are following choices from the past....

Could it be that this is
 why it looks like we are now 
a 'world at war'?
Could it be that it is in our hand to change this....
one person at a time.......?

I am in a energy of letting go
and by this you find 'old stuff'.
20 years ago I made this

It was my wish and when I look at it now,
I realise it manifested already years ago....

This was on the back: 
'Long live Freedom,
Heaven on earth.'

This didn't manifest ...yet.
I am sure it will manifest as well.....

It takes a little bit more time....
a little bit more looking at 'inner situations'...

'In my dreams there is this image
of a beautiful angel.
She dances.
She comes to me in a loving way
with a outstretched hand.
Making sure,
I get the balance back in my life.
Dancing around me,
dancing towards me,
One for always.'

I hope and wish you choose to imagine your life
in the most beautiful way
and deal with your 'inner situations'
so you can make a conscious choice....
Your choice.