Wednesday 13 April 2022

A truth and 'the' truth......

 Jupiter/Neptune.....let's choose to remember....

Remember that we are One,

Remember that we all have our own path,

our own time......

Remember that the Cosmos is sending signs

that are the best for us.....

even though we don't like them sometimes....

We have to take action

if we want to live the life we imagine,

it we choose not to,

we will stay a victim.....

and I don't believe that is what is mend to be......

I always wanted to learn to play the guitar

but I found excuses not to do it......

This picture is part of my life cycle plan of this year......

and I mentioned it to my children.

I got a guitar from my daughter and bonus son

and even got guitar lessons from him :-)

I had a goal in mind and wanted to learn it quick....

'to play children songs'....

It is not even two weeks ago that I started

and.......even though I decided to take it easy,

I didn't......

I thought I did......

After 1 week I had 'bad habits'......

luckily Thijs saw this so I can change this again.

I saw what I still couldn't do,

and forgot what steps I already made....

Now I am more in the now: still practicing,

only not for a goal in a few months,

now for over half a year.....

'Today I don't feel like doing anything'

When I 'went in', I realised 

that the feeling behind this for me is: 

'I am to busy I want rest'.........

'The only way out is in.'

When I went in, I realised

that the feeling behind this for me is:

 'I can not ever play the guitar  like others play'...... if I still have to compete....

An old pattern that was holding me back.....

I take time to learn to play.....and I will do it in my own way,

practising and seeing progress.

I play in a way that is my way......

and.....I have fun doing is something new.....

Jupiter/Neptune, earthly truth and cosmic truth....

They are together now, after 166 years,

even if we think we know the truth -Jupiter-

it could be not The truth -Neptune-.

'The slap' of Will Smith....

'you never should hit someone'

I agree .....AND.....who of us can say that he/she

never did something that wasn't right?

That we were provoked and lashed out

because of a deep hurt not yet dealt with....

Is this his 'normal' reaction or 'a one time only'.....

Is it ok to make jokes that can hurt people?

Is mental abuse not as bad as physical abuse?

166 years ago 'people' believed that the truth

was that 'negro's' were property.....

What is the truth.....

are we using the 'fog of Neptune' and blame,

or do we take responsibility.....

Perhaps our truth is not 'the' Truth....

The Dutch king had a speech yesterday.

He talked about the war in Ukraine

and also mentioned the 'war' we have 

sometimes in our own lives.

Do we have peace in our neighbourhoods,

in our family's.


Can you Be,

can you give,

can you receive


Let's start in our own environment

and make peace there.

Remembering that setting boundaries

is part of peace.....

Not all the people have to stay in your life,

but if you let them go,

make sure you can wish them all the best,

so you can have your best life as well.

Remember we live our truth.....

we are not sure if it is 'the' truth.....

Monday 4 April 2022

'You are who I imagine you to be'

How did you start the month of April?

Did you body gave you signs?

Did you start something new?

Did you realise not everything is as you thought it was?

Are you impatient because you want to have the best outcome NOW?

How do you see the world?

Is it one that is nice to you or it it 'all a mess'.....

My brother in law had a stroke a few months ago.

A healthy, active man who lived the life he wanted to.

With his partner he went abroad.

He always found opportunity's

to learn, to enjoy and to make friends.

We lost contact the last years, 

not because we didn't like each other

but 'life happened'......

As I wrote in the beginning of the year:

'most likely you will meet again with people from the past,

because you have 'unfinished business'.'

Interesting to see that now he can not do what he wants to do,

he is confronted with old emotions.....

Family patterns/situations come up when we talk,

and after a period of feeling depressed/letting go of expectations,

he is really making plans again.

Finding solutions, accepting,

letting go of playing the guitar and

riding a motorbike.

I learn more about Jaap's past.....

I realised that I assumed

that I knew what he meant by talking about his past,

but now I realise 

I looked at if from my own past,

from my upbringing, by my parents. 

Listening to the talks between two brothers,

I realised it was not as I thought it was.....

and it opened my eyes.....

How neutral can we be?!?

How neutral am I?!?

Perhaps it is important to wonder....

to be open....

When I look at the war in Ukraine,

I am shocked and I also wonder:

what is staged and what is the truth......

The only truth I can see is 

that this should never have happened.....

Or should open up our eyes

to look inside ourselves....

to take time to realise what is important.....

that not everything is as you think it is....

At the end of this month Pluto will go retrograde.

We get the time to re-think, re-evaluate, re-view and re-do....

Did we deal with our fears, did we feel our power,

or do we still feel powerless and afraid....

Do we Know we are One,

but do we also feel that we are One.....?!?

Pluto is the planet of transformation

and can also be the planet of 'dead' and 'war'.....

Can we let go of pretending

and accepting that we all were hurt.....

Can we accept and deal with it,

so we can show compassion without needing 'tough mirrors'.....

How 'hurt' must you be if you start a 'war'......

We look at Ukraine and Russia, Putin and Zelenski,

but do we also look in ourselves?

What kind of 'wars' are there.....?

This Pluto retrograde period will go till the beginning of October....

we get the time.....

How are we going to use this time?

Do we make sure we enjoy ourselves?

Do we take time to have fun?

Do we connect and have compassion?

I hope and wish

that the Jupiter/Neptune conjunction

will help us to heal in a peaceful and calm way.

That we see the signs, listen to our intuition

and trust that we get the help we need.

Friday 1 April 2022

Change of direction....

 A new month, a new moon and the first time after 165 year

a Jupiter/Neptune conjunction in Pisces.

What does this mean for all of us

and....for us personally..

165 years ago, society thought that people could be owned:

a slave that run away should be caught and brought to the owner.....

Now we think this is madness only:

do we have convictions that are not right as well....

How come people are more open to refugees from Ukraine

than from the Middle east.....

How come there are still places where people can not

be themselves because of there gender......

Jupiter/Neptune in Pisces wants to show us

and let us feel that we are 'All One'....

The last years we got a lot of opportunity's to experience this:

the blast in Beirut, 

the Taliban in Afghanistan, 

the war in Ukraine,

the Covid pandemic, 

floods and fires.

A lot of convictions we had, 

had to go......

we felt One, connected....


we experienced fear......

We had to deal with the fear......

Looking behind and looking in,

we recognised that all was not well....

Society mirrored something

that touched a feeling of not being safe anymore....

We needed to deal with old outdated habits,

habits that we developed to survive when we were young.

Habits that made us forget that we are already powerful,

that we are enough,

that we are Love......

We needed to accept that we not only go to school to learn,

but that live is a 'school'.......

We learn by looking at our mirrors, 

the people around us, the situations we attract,

and the parents we choose.

We first have to recognize and accept it

before we can choose to forgive

and let go......

Then we can choose to be a leader,

Knowing  we don't need to be 'a boss'.....

We are all One, connected

and don't have to do it all by ourselves....

We choose to be a leader

and Know that each of us 

has it's own unique talent

and we are there for each other...

A society is as strong as it's weakest link.....

Let's choose to make sure that we are not that weakest link,

let's choose to deal with the demons inside of us,

in a loving, compassionate way.

We don't have to proof anything to someone else.

We need a mature ego and can let the immature ego go.

Jupiter/Neptune in Pisces can be a smokescreen:

we don't want to see what is going on,

it is wishful thinking without action.....

this is the immature version of this conjunction....

We NEED Saturn with it and we have that this month:

be patient, step by step, be determent and...

don't let fear stop you....

A mature ego.....

 We are all healing,

healing as society and healing individually.

So we will most likely get a lot of triggers this month....
Will it be something in the media,
something in your family
or in your relationships?
It could be something at your work,
or your body will 'let you down'.....

How you deal with it is your choice.....
Do you choose to be a victim or victor....
Do you choose to look at your trigger,
or do you choose to avoid it......

Are you open to being not sure 

if that what you think IS right.....

Are you open for something you don't know ...yet?

After a beautiful sunny month,

April started in Holland with snow.....

'frozen emotion'........

It looks like it will not stay for a long time.

Could it be a mirror for us?

That perhaps there are still some 'frozen emotion'

in us/in society but....

we can deal with it more easily than we think,

they can melt away quickly and easy:

we don't need them anymore.....

it is time for something new.....