Monday 13 November 2023

'Our deepest fear.....'

 I know we are in the end energy of Pluto in Capricorn

and we feel the energy of Pluto in Aquarius already......

This all is very challenging......

Still: are we remembering we are healing,

or are we still to hurt that we think we have to fight?!?

'Antisemitism is on the rise'

'Protest by pro-Palestinians'

'Break down the statues that has links to the slavery period'

'Human trafficking: woman in forced prostitution.

 men living in bad situations, pay below minimum wages'

Did we learn from the past,

or do we want to hide the past....

We are all ONE.....

How come we focus on the difference between us

instead of what we have in common.

We are all human beings,

who need  to connect with each other,

who like to share our lives,

have fun together to give meaning to our lives

and the lives of others.

We are all Love.

Shouldn't we have rallies on 

'let's respect each other'?

Rallies on

'YOU are important because you have something I don't have

and I have something you don't have: let's share this,

so we all can have a great life and enjoy!

How many of us are in 'the wrong place'?

How come we stay there?

Why don't we choose to go there were we are loved,

were we can contribute our talents

and 'just BE' ourselves?

Do we still find excuses?

Excuses, so we don't have to look inside and heal?

Are we 'hiding' behind our parents/our children?

Are 'hoover parents' better than parents who were not there

when they were needed?

Both have to do with Love

and also with boundaries/no boundaries....

We NEED them.....not to punish but to protect.

Children need boundaries,

we as adults need them as well...

Can we live unconditional love

or is it conditional love.....

Adults have been given the time, 

the determination, 

the patience to deal

with their issues,

to learn to be responsible for themselves


stayed with old programs learned by parents/society.

The process from conditional to unconditional love....

Children learn to be responsible

little steps at a time.

They learn to think by themselves

and challenge boundaries society/parents want them to follow.

By this they learn to have respect for themselves and the other.

Unconditional love is not love without boundaries....

Learn to be patience and realise

you can't get what you want immediately

all the time....

Sometimes you need to be patient.

Sometimes what you want looks nice but.....

need's a lot of determination and 'work'.... 

-like being a famous youtuber, popstar or athlete-

Enough of the 'big world':

How is it in your own world?

Do you respect....and set boundaries?

In your relationships?

With your body?

In your work?

With your children?

Do you take responsibility for your emotions?

Are you dealing with them or 

are you holding on to old programs inside of you?

It is the time of the year to decorate your house

with lights,

with red and greens -1st and 4th chakra-

Let's choose to make this a reflection of our 'own house',

our body.....

Let's decide to let go, to 'clean', 

let's choose to relax,

let's enjoy

let's 'just BE'

enjoy each others talent

and respect your own.

Let's choose to make a 'peace on earth' place in our own home

as a start of peace in the world.

Let's connect, respect, have fun,

and set boundaries.....

make sure there is also time to be with yourself.

Could it be that our deepest fear

is still our power....?

Monday 6 November 2023

Only love is real....

 'Love is real, come I don't feel the love?!?'

How come we feel judged, not enough, failing

while we Know that only love is real......

We all want peace.

Do we also want to do what is needed?

Are we prepared to let go of old security's?

Do we realise....

that it is old security's we are holding on to,

if we feel 'war' in ourselves.....

Last time I made a connection with the second chakra,

now I will do it with the fourth....

If you deal with your emotions

-accept them, heal them- 

you can experience love.....

If not, 

you still feel you have to proof yourself.....

you experience love with conditions.

Let's choose unconditional love,

let's accept that we are judging,

let's choose not to condemn....

Let's choose to respect and accept the difference between others,

and realise that if we don't,

most likely we don't respect and accept ourselves...yet...

Instead of judging, blaming, feeling guilty

let's choose to be compassionate, understanding and patient.

'Give peace a chance'....

starting with peace inside of us....

Sometimes it means setting boundaries,

and realising you need to let go

of people/habits/environments.

Letting go, so you can attract 

and be open for the life 

you are meant to live.

A life of love, peace and abundance.

Wednesday 1 November 2023

Swings and balance....

 All Saints and all Souls day,


The orange of the pumpkins is for me the colour of the second chakra,

the colour of healing emotions....

I visited London and this picture

shows the energy of now:

Female and Male energy are on there way

to the future.

Having a stop in between to look,

to enjoy the environment and.....

deal with emotions.

How do we deal with emotions?

Can we enjoy the Now,

or do we go on 

and avoid 'some'.

Are we only dealing with them when there is to much:

'an explosion', an irruption like a volcano.

people getting angry, or a body is getting ill....

We are in an energy of dealing with old pain.

The Moon nodes 

are connected with Pluto in a challenging way.

The North node is connected with our wound......

It is like this picture:

two kids on a swing, having fun.

Others are looking at them and enjoying themselves

or are waiting till they are 'done'.....

Those kids don't go on and on.....

no, at one time they are done and move on.

I am sure after a few years, 

they will not go on this swing again:

they feel they are to old....they move on....

Israel and Palestine....

so much old pain.

Even some Jews put a yellow star on their clothes to make a point.......

Luckily most Jews who don't live in Israel couldn't agree.....

they 'moved on'/ healed.......

Just before I went to London,

my daughter showed me 'a mirror'......

In London I realised I was dealing with

an old wound in a deeper way.....

I am grateful letting go :-)

How is it with you?

Are you open to heal,

are you open to look at 'stubborn' parts inside yourself,

that still believe you have to

'proof yourself',

'work harder'

and be someone that someone else wants you to be?

Are you afraid to speak up 

or to do 

what YOU like


'they don't like you anymore'

'you will not be safe and secure'

Good to remember.....

YOU are the light,

YOU are the power,

YOU are the love.....

If you look at children, you can see this.

They have fun,

 laugh, enjoy little things,

are friendly, compassionate.

Can we as adults let them stay like this?

Can they be themselves or....

do we 'want' them to be as we think they Should be.....

Do we choose to deal with our wounds,

so we don't have to pass them to the next generation


are we staying on 'the swings'......

Staying on them while we should outgrown it.....

If we choose to have peace in our lives

and in the world

we should choose to heal and move on,

one step at a time....

I could have been angry at my daughter mention 'my dress'.

If I would have done it, 

she wouldn't have understand my reaction,

because she only made an observation....

I could be angry at myself,

because I 'still' had this wound not healed 100%...

I choose to look inside and

realise it is so much easier now,

because I did it already more often ;-)

I wish you all to be patient and loving towards yourself.

Change guilt and shame for compassion, 

understanding and forgiving.

Female and male energy more and more in balance....