Our ancestors had high levels of Dopamine:
they needed it to survive, to get food.
Their Oxytocin was also fulfilled
because they needed the group connection,
they had to work and trust together.
Serotonin is a chemical that will help you
to take good care of your body.
It is connected with mental health,
it is not only happening in our minds....
If you look back at our ancestors:
they woke up at the day of light,
they had to have a connection with nature.
Eat and drink natural, find shelter, hear
sounds of nature.
This is how they had high serotonin.
Dopamine and Oxytocin is mostly produced in the brain,
Serotonin however is 90% produced in the gut.....
Your mood, your emotion and energy
are related to your 'gut health'.
When I started working with lactoferrin,
I had clients who felt better mentally
just by using this...
They were 'overthinking' and with help
for their 'gut' they could let this go.....
For me your 'gut' is the home of emotions,
it stores emotions which aren't processed...yet....
It stores it till you are ready to deal with it.
How is your 'gut'?
What is it telling you?
Are you holding on or.....
are you afraid to deal with emotions?
How is your mood and
how much energy do you have....
How is your diet?
Is it natural or most of all processed food?
If it is mostly the last,
serotonin has to spend time to get rid of this
and instead of building serotonin for energy,
it looses it....
Instead of feeling energized, you get an energy dip after eating...
How is your sleep?
Do you wake up energized or are you still tired?
Do you take your phone with you to bed?
Do you check it at night?
Did you walk in nature or ....
did you stay at home/office all day?
Your body needs spending time outdoors.
It also needs sunlight.....
Sunlight builds serotonin.
Even if it is cold or cloudy: go outside,
even if it is for a short while.
do you recognize this?
Find new routines:
start a journal -this helps me ;-)-
Be grateful:
at the end of the day,
find 3/5 things to be grateful for.
Talk to people you love about your thought,
so you can clear your mind.
Venus went retrograde and Mars went already direct:
Look inside:
how do you treat yourself?
Do you treat yourself in a way that shows love
and build your serotonin levels or
do you deplete yourself of serotonin....
Do you have energy to do what you like
or don't you......
Can you choose to make a different choice?
Use the 80/20 principle when choosing what to eat and drink?
Go for a walk in nature or sit outside to enjoy sunlight.
Listen to your emotions, accept them and....
-if the time is right-
let them go....
I don't know how it is for you,
but for me it is challenging to see
'Zelensky and Trump' and 'Gaza and Israel'
On March 13 there is a lunar Eclipse:
old Karma likes to go.....
Ramadan started last week and
tomorrow Lent is starting.
Forty days of 'fasting',
a time of deep reflecting:
what do you want to let go?
How is your dopamine level?
Will you go for the 40 days to go for your dream?
Do you connect with loved ones and
do you feel connected with a group?
Do you Know we are ALL one group?
What will happen in these 40 days,
what do you want to happen in your life
and what will be your first step?
To go outside and enjoy the sun?
To change one item in your menu?
To put you phone away at '8/10 o'clock'?