This pictures shows for me the energy we are all in at the moment: foggy....
The last week was very foggy in Holland.
Israel/Hamas ceasefire.......and just before a lot of bombing....
Inauguration of Donald Trump: what will happen next....?!?
No factchecking anymore with social media......
The Moon Nodes changed from Aries/libra to Pisces/Virgo.
The North Node is at the moment
connected with Saturn and Neptune:
we will be in a 'foggy' energy the coming months.....
Can we see what is real and what is not?!?
Do we react or do we respond?
If we react, we do that from an unhealed aspect of ourselves,
if we respond, we do it from a place of clarity and self-awareness....
I heard a great quote:
'There are no lies,
only hidden trues behind the surface'...
Let it sink in......
I agree with this....
I really believe that people who are 'lying'
are doing this to protect a wounded child inside of them....
Why should someone lie if he/she Knew deep down
that we are all One, connected
and.....everyone is good the way he/she is?
They wouldn't! one would.....
A hidden truth can be:
-I have to prove myself to be accepted
-if I don't do what people expect me to do than they don't love me
-only if you work hard you will succeed
-you have to do it before a curtain age or else if will not happen anymore
-there is 'lower' and 'higher' education and lower is less....
-people from other country's are scary,
-if we help people then there is not enough for our selves....
What hidden truths are inside of you?
Were is the fog in you AND.....
are you open to see it clear:
do you allow to let 'the Sun come out'?
Healing the wound,
is healing separation.
In a talk show someone was talking about Israel and Palestine:
'I was at both places and both people are so nice and welcoming:
how can I be for one and against the other: it is not possible!'
....more and more I think my dad was right when he said:
'All those wars are being fought by people: why don't those leaders
go inside a boxing ring and fight it out by themselves?!?'
Could it be that we -as society-
are still looking at power outside of us
instead of the power that is inside of us.....
So we accept unhealed leaders
'because' we are still afraid to heal
to take on our own leadership....
Where do we/I criticize ourselves
instead of loving and trusting....
Do we/I take in what is good for us
and set boundaries when needed or....
do we still believe that we have to BE
what others expect us to be......
The last time the Nodes were in Pisces/ Virgo
was from June 2006 till Jan. 2008
What happened in your life?
Did you have to let go?
Did you set boundaries?
Could you still feel compassion
or did you 'shut down'......
Shutting down and setting boundaries
are two different feelings.
You set boundaries from inner power:
you Know if a same situations happens again,
you will stop it, you will protect yourself.
When you 'shut down' you don't communicate anymore,
the wound is not healed and deep down you are afraid
they can hurt you again......
Realise that if you 'shut down'
nothing can come in....
a part of you becomes 'hard'.....
The Node connected with Neptune and Saturn
will help us to become soft AND determent.
It helps us to remember AND forgive.
It helps us to move forward AND be alert.....
It helps us to see what is important AND what is not
so we can choose to let it go.
The coming 1 1/2 year these Nodes will 'help' us....
Will we choose to stay in 'the fog' or do we allow
the Sun - our power- to clear the air....
Do we trust AND take responsibility,
let go of to much criticism and still address what is right and what is not.
Do we have compassion with ourselves and KNOW
that we all are mirrors of each other....
Everyone is doing the best they can,
till they know better......
Forgive yourself and others for not knowing
then what you know now and.....
choose to move on in a better way for all involved.
if you see that people go on in an old way
while they know better: speak up!