Sunday 6 October 2024

Letting go of 'the system/s'.......

 With a full blown war in Lebanon,

schools are 'worried' about education......

Just a few years ago with a 'full blown' Covid,

 schools were worried about education as well:

'will the students knowledge be on a certain level?!?'

What is going on......

do we still believe 'education' of the mind, 

programmed from an energy of the past,

is still most important?!?

Do we still believe we have to label kids so they can 'fit in' ?

Do we still believe that is what life is all about?!?

How come there are 'wars' it because of 'the mind'

or is it about emotions......anger, resentment, insecurity and....

 hurt and pain from the past.......

How many 'mirrors' do we need?!?

How many mirrors do I need.......

October 9th Jupiter will go retrograde......time to heal inside.....

How do you communicate with yourself.....

Is it in a nice, compassionate and impowering way

or in shame/blame and accusing way.....

Did people/the system let you believe something that wasn't true?

Did you- because of education-

forget who you really are:

Unique, authentic and 'powerful beyond measure? 

If you forgot.....start to remember....

make it your new mantra.

Not only for you, 

but also because you realise 

that by being YOU, 

you will be leading by example.

Be a roll model for all the people who need 

to see and experience

your unique quality.

You will not feel superior or inferior,

not feel threated by others....

You will Know that the other has also an unique quality


you will start listening, communicating and connecting

and together 'Be the change you choose to see in this world'

On Oct 12, 

Pluto will go forward again,

so we can use the power we gained inside of us.

Power, instead of powering over or manipulating.....

Nov 21,

 Pluto will leave Capricorn.

The systems that were outdated and needed to transform,

starting from 2008 are supposed to be transformed.....

Did they?

Capricorn likes to 'keep the old' and it can 'protest'.....


The school system should be a system

to help children to be themselves.

Needs to help them to develop in the special human beings 

they already are inside.

They do that in a structure that is nurturing, loving

and is challenging their curiosity.

Do we have schools like this

and.....are governments -also a Capricorn system-

made changes so that children can excel/shine?

Most important: do they make sure they feel save and secure,

emotional safe and secure...

There is not a 'war' going on in Holland,

only in the school system there is....

For some there is no place.....they can not 'deal'

with certain children.....

The  school is for me 'an extension' of  parents...

an other system.....

How is that system working.....

are there still 'outdated programs' ?

We were in the war in Saudi

and I was teaching then.

Our kids were emotional 'ok'.

We talked about it, made a safe space

because we made sure we were in an emotional safe place.

Was the education at that moment important?


I Knew and still believe,

that everything that is in a child 

will come out

if you give it an emotional safe environment.

I also know that you need to be in balance

as a parent to do that.....

Before this war, 

I was already in 'another war' -my cancer-

so it helped me to deal with this war....

Is school important?

Yes it is, only.....

in a time of  war/epidemic

it is not.......

Life is showing/mirroring that something else is important:

to Be there for each other,

to Let go grateful.

You are in 'a school' that teaches you how to deal with life:

the emotional challenges,

how to be patient, to be brave,

how to deal with fear, to develop to be courageous,

to grow and heal and be grateful in between turmoil.

How is it after the Covid?

Is the biggest challenge the level of education

or is the biggest challenge the emotional state of children/teenagers....?

What did/do we learn or ....

do we need more challenges to learn and heal....

How is it in your 'family system'....

Do you use this time to heal and stop the karma you develop more......

More because you follow an 'outdated system'......

It can be because you are in an actually war,

it can also be because you are in a relational war....

How do people treat you in your family

and how do you treat them. 

Are they/or you still following 'old outdated traditions'

that 'forget' emotions......

How is it with your work?

Do you have a 'new leader' or an 'old boss'......

Do you live to work, or work to live......

and.....are you happy with it

or are you living an 'outdated family system'....

I know a powerful new leader who got fired 

because of 'this old system'......

and people who are almost in a burn out because of this old system.....

They will leaders by example the coming time.....

What do you choose?

A system can give you security and that is good, it a real security or a false one......

If it is a  security based on fear, 

then you is a false one.....

Take time to look inside.

Choose to be courageous

be patient, 

be compassionate,

take one step at a time.....

BE the one you choose to be...

Be the light,

Be unconditional love.


there is no one else

and that is good.


and Know

you don't have to do it alone.

There are more people like you:

unique, courageous and compassionate.

We can start building a new system.

A system that looks at people first.

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