Our ancestors had high levels of Dopamine:
Tuesday, 4 March 2025
Our ancestors had high levels of Dopamine:
Wednesday, 26 February 2025
Oxytocin and Mars.
the planet of energy, action, war,
courage and desire,
aggression and drive,
went direct on Feb. 24.
From December last year it went retrograde.
These last months we got the time
to look inside, re-think, re-flect.
Inner conflicts, frustration
and.....infections/feeling sick
are signs of this energy.
In the sign of Cancer,
it most likely had to do with feeling emotional safe,
family patterns....
-did you celebrate Christmas with family
and new year with friends and.....how did it go?-
Did you had expectation or.....could you
'just accept and enjoy'.
Now Mars is direct
you can take action.
Did you deal with old patterns, old idea's
or did you need some signs from outside?
Did you get signs from your body
and could/did you take time to rest?
Did you find your drive/passion again and:
what will be your action the coming time,
the first thing you will do?
Do you Know what you like to do?
Did you build on slow dopamine or
are you still 'a prisoner'.
A prisoner of past emotions,
a prisoner of 'your phone',
quick dopamine.
Do YOU choose your life
or does life chooses you.......
Do you look at social media
and the world around you and feel
stuck/fear or
do you choose to think for your self,
challenge thoughts and feel connected
with the people around you.
Dopamine Oxytocin ....S....E...
You get this when you are with others.
Knowing you can do more when you do it together.
When we needed to hunt to get food,
we had to do this together to survive.
-Those animals were to big and scary-
We had to trust each other and were grateful
that we could relay on others
and they on us.
We don't need that anymore and it looked like it was ok.
Only....was it ok?!?
With Covid, we experienced what lack of human contact meant,
and realized that lack of oxytocin
had a big impact on mental health
People NEED touch to live, to survive.
How many hugs do you give/get every day?
Do you have a strong family, group of friends?
What do you do to connect with people
Can you be grateful or are you in the blaming/judging energy....
If you are in the blaming/judging energy,
most likely your oxytocin level is low.
How come you don't Know that you are good
'just the way you are'?
How do you talk to yourself:
do you love yourself unconditionally
or do you compare yourself with someone else.
How come you do that? Who let you believe
that there is competition: the world, social media,
religion, your parents?
What happened after you were born and were held by your parents:
did you feel loved and protected,
did you feel part of a family/society/country?
Being born is an important event
which is the base of the rest of your life......
What happened after?
AND: what happened when you became an adult?
Do you have social connections
or is you phone your social connection....
How do you talk to yourself:
how critical are you?
-if you are not sure: look how you react on social media,
judge people, are stuck on your own convictions...
most likely you talk to yourself in the same way.....-
You can do all kinds of things to let Oxytocin grow
only.....if there are unhealthy/wounded believes inside of you
it will not stick......
Did you get wrong believes about yourself when you were a child?
Remember: You are unique, special and you are love.
Did you get the believe that you are only part of 'the group'
if you did what 'they' liked?
Remember: You are born to be unique
and the group will benefit
if you show them who you are
and you benefit if they show you who they are.
'Donald Trump'* likes all of us to go back,
back to be a caterpillar only.....
that is not possible....
We all are in the process of being a butterfly....
we will and can not go back...
-*You can write any politic leader that shows no respect for
each individual. Who likes to power over people instead of being a leader.
I am sure you all know people in your country, in your family in the world
who mirror this to us-
Oxytocin will grow if you connect,
connect in person.
What will happen to the world if we all come together,
help when we can,
ask for help when we need it
and see each other as an unique human being?
Let's start with living,
to be grateful
and look at our mirrors.
Where in our lives are we blocking ourselves,
are we afraid to be the butterfly,
to spread our wings and fly....
Use the energy of Mars going direct
and let your oxytocin level grow:
connect and feel confident.
Thursday, 20 February 2025
Are you a prisoner?!? Last part.
I saw a documentary about 6 people who had one of their parents
incarcerated when they were young.
All of them are successful now.
All of them think they deserved their sentence
and all of them love their parents.....
How were they treated?
What did people think about them?
What did they think about themselves?
As one of them said:
'You are were you came from,
you choose were you want to go...'
In all the story's
you hear the guild and shame,
what people think and
the love children have for their parents.
Also the parent:
all of a sudden they realise how their actions
affected their children.....
Also guild and shame.......
Saturn: do you stay in guild and shame,
or do you accept the consequences of your deeds
and choose to do better.
These young people had to deal with a real prison
and were sometimes judged for what their parent did.....
They didn't do anything wrong.....
How is it with us?
Are we judged because of our 'parents/family/country/believe'?
Do we judge others because of this?
What do we choose?
Are we mobile phone prisoners?
What do we choose?
The quick dopamine or the slow one...
Saturn: taking your time, step by step, be responsible.
Do we take responsibility and Know we can change?
Do we show respect and are we taking time to build long-term dopamine,
or do we choose the short term.....
every day you can choose again.....
Choose and be patient with yourself,
take your time,
there is no competition.
Also remember:
The more you judge people around you,
most likely
the more you are judging yourself even.....
Choose to recognise it
remember we are 'ALL One'
Let's choose to be free,
and Know...this takes time.
Let's start to check what we see and read on social media:
it doesn't have to be the truth.....
Monday, 17 February 2025
Are you a prisoner?!? Part 3
I saw the documentary 'Free At last'
Friday, 14 February 2025
Are you a prisoner ?!? Part 2
Tuesday, 11 February 2025
Are you a prisoner?!? Part 1
At the moment I am reading two books,
Monday, 20 January 2025
'There are no lies, only hidden truths behind the surface'
This pictures shows for me the energy we are all in at the moment: foggy....
The last week was very foggy in Holland.
Israel/Hamas ceasefire.......and just before a lot of bombing....
Inauguration of Donald Trump: what will happen next....?!?
No factchecking anymore with social media......
The Moon Nodes changed from Aries/libra to Pisces/Virgo.
The North Node is at the moment
connected with Saturn and Neptune:
we will be in a 'foggy' energy the coming months.....
Can we see what is real and what is not?!?
Do we react or do we respond?
If we react, we do that from an unhealed aspect of ourselves,
if we respond, we do it from a place of clarity and self-awareness....
I heard a great quote:
'There are no lies,
only hidden trues behind the surface'...
Let it sink in......
I agree with this....
I really believe that people who are 'lying'
are doing this to protect a wounded child inside of them....
Why should someone lie if he/she Knew deep down
that we are all One, connected
and.....everyone is good the way he/she is?
They wouldn't!....no one would.....
A hidden truth can be:
-I have to prove myself to be accepted
-if I don't do what people expect me to do than they don't love me
-only if you work hard you will succeed
-you have to do it before a curtain age or else if will not happen anymore
-there is 'lower' and 'higher' education and lower is less....
-people from other country's are scary,
-if we help people then there is not enough for our selves....
What hidden truths are inside of you?
Were is the fog in you AND.....
are you open to see it clear:
do you allow to let 'the Sun come out'?
Healing the wound,
is healing separation.
In a talk show someone was talking about Israel and Palestine:
'I was at both places and both people are so nice and welcoming:
how can I be for one and against the other: it is not possible!'
....more and more I think my dad was right when he said:
'All those wars are being fought by people: why don't those leaders
go inside a boxing ring and fight it out by themselves?!?'
Could it be that we -as society-
are still looking at power outside of us
instead of the power that is inside of us.....
So we accept unhealed leaders
'because' we are still afraid to heal
to take on our own leadership....
Where do we/I criticize ourselves
instead of loving and trusting....
Do we/I take in what is good for us
and set boundaries when needed or....
do we still believe that we have to BE
what others expect us to be......
The last time the Nodes were in Pisces/ Virgo
was from June 2006 till Jan. 2008
What happened in your life?
Did you have to let go?
Did you set boundaries?
Could you still feel compassion
or did you 'shut down'......
Shutting down and setting boundaries
are two different feelings.
You set boundaries from inner power:
you Know if a same situations happens again,
you will stop it, you will protect yourself.
When you 'shut down' you don't communicate anymore,
the wound is not healed and deep down you are afraid
they can hurt you again......
Realise that if you 'shut down'
nothing can come in....
a part of you becomes 'hard'.....
The Node connected with Neptune and Saturn
will help us to become soft AND determent.
It helps us to remember AND forgive.
It helps us to move forward AND be alert.....
It helps us to see what is important AND what is not
so we can choose to let it go.
The coming 1 1/2 year these Nodes will 'help' us....
Will we choose to stay in 'the fog' or do we allow
the Sun - our power- to clear the air....
Do we trust AND take responsibility,
let go of to much criticism and still address what is right and what is not.
Do we have compassion with ourselves and KNOW
that we all are mirrors of each other....
Everyone is doing the best they can,
till they know better......
Forgive yourself and others for not knowing
then what you know now and.....
choose to move on in a better way for all involved.
if you see that people go on in an old way
while they know better: speak up!
Friday, 10 January 2025
2025 part 2
We as humanity are in a process of healing.
Can we move this year from feeling a victim
to remember our courage and determination in the coming year...?
The world is in transition, so.....we ALL are in transition.....
Can we shed our skin like a snake does, to grow?
Can we transform from a caterpillar to a butterfly?
I talked a lot about emotions the last years:
they are so helpful....
challenging AND helpful.......
In Holland there is a program about young people
with cancer that has spread
and they know they will not live long anymore.
They follow them 2 years and some live past the 2 years,
some even longer because of new treatments and....
some don't.
One of them was Eva, only 24 years old when they started to follow her.
She died last month, just 26 years old.
With all the challenges she had, she choose to focus on the positive,
'Live life NOW'.
She didn't want to go AND...
didn't want to waist time: 'Life is to beautiful'
She had to deal with 'the war -cancer- inside of her'.
A war she couldn't win AND
she choose happiness and new challenges
and also.....being grateful what is.....
For a lot of people she became a role model:
'Be the change you want to see in this world'
If I look at the situation in the Middle East,
I feel there is still a lot of old pain.....
Pain from past generations,
karma that has not been dealt with....yet.
So much old anger, old pain,
that is transferred to this generation.
Will this generation choose to let this karma stop with them?!?
How is it in your country, your family?
Do you Know family secrets, family karma?
Can you be very emotional about some topics
and don't you know how to deal with it?
Could it be that it is also karma, family karma
do you choose to stop it with you?
Een valse start - 100 dagen in de jeugd- en gezinszorg | NPO Start
'A false start - 100 days in youth and family care'
A documentary about kids who can not stay at home for a while.
You see and feel how tough it is AND:
'I do this now for 30 years and....it is not the best system.
We are not their parents and.....
if they are in balance and go back to their family's
it often doesn't work because the parents situation didn't change....'
They realise that children feel......
they react to the energy of the parents.....
How come we as adults don't take time to deal with it.....
Could it be that we are sooooo afraid,
sooooo afraid to 'harm' our parents
and prefer to harm ourselves....
How insecure are we as parents,
are YOU as a parent.
Can you accept that you did the best you could
AND now you can choose to forgive yourself
for not knowing then what you know now......
If you think you dealt with it all,
make sure you look at your surroundings:
if there are challenges/emotions,
then you Know.......
Know that there are old unhealed wounds.
You can choose to feel like a victim
-most likely it will still work this year-
or choose to deal with it
-most likely we will have to, by next year.....-
If you made a life cycle plan this year,
look at it again:
what do you have to do to make it happen?
Are you prepared to 'practice' what is needed?
In 2018 Uranus went into Taurus and
touched parts in your Astrological charts.
-The end of the year Uranus will move to Gemini-
These points are now touched by Pluto.
Were in your live did sudden unexpected situations take place?
Situations to 'help' you to be free and unique?
Pluto will 'help' you to let go what you couldn't let go ....yet.....
It will do till 2043.....
Can you choose to be patient with yourself,
smile, love and have fun?
Eva choose to......
she Knew she would not live long,
we don't know either.....
Why not start now to live life to the fullest,
and KNOW deep down that we have the courage
that is needed to deal with all the challenges.
Challenges that help us heal,
challenges we have to go through by ourselves,
only we don't have to do it all alone....
We can ask help and accept help,
we are 'All One'
And remember:
setting boundaries is needed if you choose to be free....
Friday, 3 January 2025
I wish you all a very happy, peaceful 2025.
A year of good health and the courage to deal with your challenges.
For me 2025 starting under a blanket on the couch....
I needed to slow down and....
apparently without this sigh,
I wouldn't.......
It started 2 days before the new years and now I can say
that I almost feel like 'the old me' again.
I took baths, I started reading again and....
what I 'needed' to do, I did in slow motion.
My mind is calmer, my body recovering,
and I am open for 'the new adventure called 2025'
Old patterns die hard......
I wish all of us a lot of empathy with ourselves.....
respect and compassion:
we all did the best we could AND.....now we can choose different
because we Know better.
We had great Christmas days with our kids and grand-kids,
there were surprises, there were 'first times' and
there were easy talks, talks about emotional issues
and fun talks.
So that looks just like a great time and still:
my body showed something different......
For me the last days were a gift.
I reconnected with ME......and...
I didn't even realise I was not connected......
Perhaps that is it:
you can go on with your 'daily routine' and forget
to check,
if that daily routine fits in your chosen life.
I wish us all to take time to check:
'what did I do today that made me happy?'
'what did I do today that made me curious?'
'what did I do today that was new or....
could I change something that would make my life more happy?'
AND.....most important:
'Now it is time to relax and enjoy....
tomorrow there will be another day!'
You only can save one person.....YOU.....
So decide to treat you well this year.
Choose to be 'the change you want to see in this world'.
Be the magnet to attract what you would like to come to you.
Did you make a life cycle plan?
Did you check the ones from last years?
Are you being grateful and can you be patient:
some miracles need a bit longer to manifest.....
There is so much going on in the world
also in all our personal lives.
Let's choose to deal with them first
before we point fingers....
Also remember
A good reminder for 2025.
Big hug to you all and lot's of love.