We can do so much and.....still don't see progress.
The book: 'The DOSE effect', small Habits to boost your brain chemistry,
is a great book with lot's of great points AND.....
if there are unhealed old emotions,
it still will be tough to get the results you want.....
You see less and less people smoking
and dinking alcohol looks like 'the new smoking'
only......we forget that there is a much dangerous
addiction at the moment
which start already with young children:
the mobile phone....
Serotonin and
Endorphin helps you to deal with stress.
To boost your endorphin levels you need physical exercise,
laughter, stretching, heat and music.
Do you take the stairs or the elevator?
Do you take the car of do you choose to walk or go with the bike?
Do you know the feeling when you go in a hot bath
and breath out and feel relaxed?
Do you enjoy the sauna or.......are you afraid to 'expose' yourself...
Can you sing loudly under the shower or in your car?
Do you join a choir?
Do you have the experience when listen to music,
you could let go of emotions......
How is your life?
Just check how often you use your phone
what would happen if you choose to put it away for...1 hour.....
And in that hour you do one of the things
to boost your DOSE....
What if you knew,
that by doing this,
you would improve your mental health,
be happier, healthier,
focus more and have better relationships?
Would you give it a try?
Just for one day count how often you picked up your phone,
because you 'had' to do something,
or felt bored.....
AND.....if you read this and you feel guilty:
How critical are you about yourself?
Do you do what you love
or do you do what people expect from you.
Or better:
what you think people expect from you......
Do you drink enough water?
If not: could it be a symptom to not wanting
to deal with old emotions?
Is there a part of you that still believes
you have to hold on to them to 'feel safe/to survive'?
In 2011 Neptune went into Pisces,
it was the time when there were lot's of changes
in country's.....starting in Syria.
Now we are at the end the journey through Pisces.
It will move for and backward into Aries
and it will stay there in 2026 till 2039.
Next time more about Neptune changing signs.
It will be the time to take action,
let go of feeling a victim and take steps.
One step at a time....
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