Tuesday 6 August 2019


How do you feel in your transformation proces?
Do you feel 'life is over'?
Then you are almost there…..

We had to 'tape our house'
so the painters could paint everything that was needed
and what was not needed would stay the same.
This was 'the first step'.....
it looked like a mess again ;-)
After this, we had to take some furniture out,
to make sure there wouldn't be paint on them.
We have a very dry summer, but....
that day it rained…..

It is when you decide not to eat curtain food,
because you want to be more fit,
to have more energy
or to fit in a 'dress or pants'.
You put them/food you love,
 'outside' and
if you are ready YOU decide
if you still want them,
or that you get rid of them forever.
-this could be if you are in a transformation
to become a non smoker or someone who
want to eat only natural food-
If there are transformations with relationships
in your life,
it could be that you don't see certain people
at the moment. 
this could change in the future.
-in divorces some people 
can stay friends with there exes, 
and sometimes estranged family members reunite.
It all has to do with going inside,
setting boundaries, 
back to loving yourself.

In this period, 
you set boundaries,
you take care of yourself.
The world is smaller
you are busy with the inside….
I realised some old patterns came up again…

When the painters were busy,
I couldn't do much,
so I decided to go on a bike ride.
It went window shopping,
read a paper and then went back.
All of a sudden it started raining…
and it became worse.
I decided to wait under a viaduct.
I wasn't the only one ;-)
It took a long time and then I remembered
'a yellow thing' in my bicycle bag…..
and I could go on....

How often do you think you can not protect yourself
and 'forget' that all you need is inside….
When you are in a proces of taking care of yourself
there comes a time,
you feel good and you are certain it is 100%.
Then you get a test.....
You come back to 
your home town or 
meet up with 'old' friends,
and all of a sudden there is a voice inside of you that tells you:
'be social' or else…..'behave' or....
You forget that you have 'a yellow raincoat'.....
you can protect yourself….

When the painters were ready
-almost, some things still needs to be done-
I realised I still have some old patterns….
Patterns that are not good for me...

I started to clean the parts that were painted
wanted to get all the ornaments, glasses,
kitchen stuff that were packed 
and stored in 2 bedrooms,
back in the right places….
As if I don't have time enough to do it....
My wrist 'told me' to take it easy....
then I stepped in a thumbtack…..

Luckily I got 'help':
neighbours come for coffee,
family come for tea :-)
Then in the evening
WE decided to go out for dinner.

Just before we went in the restaurant,
Bas called 
- our son moved as well, together with his girlfriend-
and he said:
'we still live in between the boxes, 
we do one at a time. 
Sabine thinks it takes to long,
but it will be ok....'
Yes....there is time....

For all of you who are in the transformation
of body,
you have time!

Make sure you love what you do,
starting with one thing everyday.
Also remember that love, power and money
is the same energy.....
If it is tough at the moment remember….
…..yesterday when family visited, 
a white butterfly flew in our new kitchen again….

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