Monday 20 April 2020

Be the takes time....part 6.

A sign for me …..
'take your time, have patience'...
and if you look at it's house: 'be grateful'....

How are you all?
Enjoying being at home and close to yourself,
or are you stressed out?
Probably somewhere in the middle  
I assume….

For me/us it is good. 
We enjoy doing the things we can,
instead of focusing on what we can't do.
It is as when people asked me 
why I stayed in the middle east in the summer:
'In Holland you have to stay in because of the rain,
here because it is to hot, so...what's the difference?!?'

A few days ago I realised what the difference is:
staying in 'the now'….
if you do that 
then you accept 
and be creative and enjoy.
If you go away from 'the now'
it becomes different.....

'Perhaps we have to keep the lockdown till the end of August'
When I heard this it was ok at first and then:
'O no!,
then I can not go for a swim till then'
'we can not sit on a terras outside the home,
'we can not……..-just fill in- '

And all of a sudden I felt 'locked in'....
I went away from 'the now',
and looked at a future that looked dark,
I had no controle.....

It was only a short time 
but it didn't feel nice...
I looked outside
and saw the sun, 
realised I can take a walk,
we can go for bike rides and...
we are healthy.
The snail…...
take your time, be patient grateful.

A part of me is not as patient as it should be ;-)
Sometimes I realise that what I write in a blog,
I say to myself as well.....
Everything is a sign as well!

The bulbs are all out and blooming
Tulips: forgiveness  and remembering
What a great sign….
Narcis: a new beginning.

Perhaps it takes more time then we think
and do we have to accept
that it takes as long as it takes.
I see people finding so many creative solutions
problems are not problems anymore:
they become challenges.

What will happen if we get more freedom….
Some people are afraid,
afraid to trust....
afraid to die or...
afraid to live,
to life a new normal…..

Be patient, trust.
I believe we are more powerful then we think
and....we are more responsible then we where
before this all happened.
We know more.

I got another sign:
A Robin.
Not shy at all.
We cleared a part in our garden,
that needed to be done,
and she came to visit.

Jaap made a small fence,
and I biked the road I biked 
when I was a teenager.
When I came back,
the fence was finished :-)

A Robin:
'Transformation, growth, renewal, passion, change and power.
A sign of perseverance, learn how to focus and trust yourself better'

I wish you all, to see lots of Robins the coming time :-)

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