Friday 13 August 2021

Do you recognize your fear or is it 'mutating'.....

You can look at this and decide it is about the Coronavirus,

you can also look deeper:

do you have old patterns/habits that you don't deal with?

Realise they will 'mutate' and will go on mutating.....

as often as you need to,

as often as you are ready to heal.....

All the situations in our lives 

that happened to us when we were small,

or energies we picked up from our environment,

didn't kill us......

they just 'mutated'......

We found a way to deal with it,

to survive, to make sense of it

-even if that was not possible-.

To make sure we were still be loved,

to hide our fear, our hurt....

When we get older,

we get other situations in our live

and we react/respond from the 'mutated' version.

We can keep doing that, only it doesn't make us happy.....

So we have a choice:

to accept, investigate and heal 

-by ourselves or with the help of others-

or.....start another mutation.....

Situations in our live, in our society

would come up to help us heal,

to help us following the path our soul choose to go..


we get as many changes as we need to.....

I hear a lot of people talk about fear/not fear...

For me fear is a lack of love,

fear is not trusting others and.....

by that not trusting yourself....

Sometimes it is as if it is not ok 

to accept your fear,

as if it is something bad......

Realise that fear helped us to survive,

you developed habits that you needed then....

not now anymore....

By not accepting your fear,

you 'fuel' the fear....

Can you trust the Cosmos?

Can you trust that everything happens 'just' the way it is supposed to be?

Can you accept that everything is energy

and we only can let love in 

if there is space.....


 The fear is not only yours.....

it is also from society......

The pain, the hurt is not only yours,

it is also from society....

Are you prepared to do your part?

Are you open to the suggestion that 

perhaps there is fear inside of you,

unsolved pain and sadness....

Just to be open for the suggestion,

it makes it easier to let the fear go and let love in....

to stop the 'mutations'....

to go from surviving to living.....

We are all alchemist.....

if we choose to be....

If we decide to face the fear and go through the pain...

If we decide to let love in.


we have all the power inside of us,

we ARE already love....

We only 'forgot'.....for a little while....

If we start to remember, 

there are no 'mutations' necessary anymore.....

'I hope he will not cheat again!'

'I will do it, because he probably forgets.'

'They forgot to bill us for this: we are lucky'

'Be careful what you put on social media!'

'He said I should feel like this and I don't'

'He isn't vaccinated!?!'

'He is vaccinated!?!'

This could all be about fear and also about setting boundaries,

do you feel the difference?

If it is about setting boundaries then there is love involved,

and it is 'neutral'.....

If it is fear, there are strong emotions or a 

stubborn 'being right' habit....

Could this be the stop of 'mutations'......?

It's worth the try....

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