stop fighting against,
and listening to the fighting inside....
trusting that the fighting inside
is 'just' to protect YOU.....
letting go of control and....listen
Listen to hear instead of to respond....
In my blogs I talked a lot about the Pluto change.
Pluto who started it's journey in Capricorn in 2008.
We are already in the energy of Aquarius, only
from Sept. till end of November
it will visit Capricorn for the last time.
Did we as society/personally
transform old patterns, old systems
so rules and regulation are there to help people
and society or.....
Do we use it to scare people,
to power over people...
Do you set healthy boundaries?
Do you realise that rules are there to help you
or do you feel trapped....
Do you believe someone else has to take care of you
or do you Know you are 'powerful beyond measure'?
Pluto in Capricorn....
Two other planet will move to another sign as well,
also slow moving planets, so they will be a big impact as well.
They move next year.
the planet of unconditional love,
of illusions, dreams, spirituality,
the arts and
-if not balanced-
expressed in addictions:
drugs, alcohol, work.
In 2012 it started it's journey in Pisces.
Neptune and Pisces are the same kind of energy,
so they enhance each other.
People/you got more empathic,
felt connected: 'We are all one'
and felt energy and were asked
to let go and trust more.....
how grounded were we/are we?
Pluto in Capricorn 'helped' us to ground....
not always in a way we choose to,
but in a way we needed......
'I only have to dream and imagine
and everything will come as I wish'
make people feel like a victim.
Politician became 'forgetful',
used fear to get a we-she feeling.....
Groups felt victimised and wanted compensation,
sometimes even in a forceful way.....
it looked easier than looking inside.....
Just the other day there was an attack in England,
girls who were 'just dancing' were killed.
The day after there were riots.....
people from outside the community came
because 'they heard' it was a Muslim boy who did it......
it wasn't true......
Next year Neptune will start in Aries.
The last time it went in Aries
was between 1862 and 1876.
Aries is a total different energy than Pisces!
It takes action, goes after a vision
and -as in Pisces- it need grounding!
In 1862, the Red Cross was founded:
helping people who need help...
Do we need to found another organisation
or do we all realise
how important 'the red cross' is.....
So: not opening borders for them as a country
is not ok's who act like this
should be holding accountable.....
Next year Uranus will move signs as well.
Uranus the planet of sudden changes, surprises,
to be unique and authentic.
It started in Taurus in 2018.
Changes is environment, money, values
were needed.
Taurus likes to have peace and harmony,
stability, loves beauty and rest.
It also can be stubborn:
holding on to values and harmony,
that are 'fake'......don't like to change.
So with Uranus
society/people 'had' to change....
The climate and nature showed us it is stronger than we are...
If we want to have peace and harmony
we have to make changes.....
The HBTIQ community
showed us that we are all one and unique.
And/and instead of or/or
Now I see a lot of people
looking into changing the school system....
Is it still good for children?
Can they be themselves or do we 'program' them
So many children have labels now......
how come they can not be 'just themselves'.....?!?
Is it to tough for teacher/parents/society?!?
Children Need to feel that they are ok,
if they are not they act up....
-the opposite side of Taurus is Scorpio-
Jong children using knifes, fire guns....
Divorces, femicide, LHBTIQ, social media:
how safe it the world for kids,
the future of our world?
Next year Uranus will be in Gemini.
Were will you be the rebel?
Can you break through old idea's?
The last time it was in Gemini was between 1942 and 1949.
What kind of old ideas do we still have?
About schools?
About religions?
About family's?
About communications?
Will social media tell us what beauty is?
Will social media tell us how to behave?
Will social media tell us what to believe?
will we respect each other
and see each other as 'another you'
will we be independent AND connected....
Will we be safe and secure inside to
respect and love each other with other opinions?
Do we Know that we all only want one thing:
To love and be loved,
to be unique and share our talents
with each other who share their talents with us.....
With all this we need to be grounded,
we need to feel safe....
We also need to let go and be open for new,
to be courageous, curious and.....
determined and patient....
For now let's start
with accepting what is.
What happens, happens.....
let this be the start
to make happen what we choose....
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