Monday 5 August 2024

'The shift' .....from 'slavery' to inner power.

 In my last blog I wrote about the change of Neptune from Pisces to Aries

The last time it came into Aries was in 1862 till 1876.

The Red Cross was founded,

selflessly helping people in need.

Something else happened as well:

abolishing slavery .......

Everyone is the same

deep inside.....

Everyone is love.....

If people don't feel loved,

the energy of being a victim will start to grow,

the energy of fear

an energy of finding a new way to get love

even if it is not a healthy way....

Are we open to let go of this way and go back to the start feeling:


Where are you a slave to, what are you addicted to?

Is it social media....

   to be afraid of nothingness/space?

   to let them tell us what we have to think and believe, 

      so we don't have to think for ourselves....

Is it a feeling you had in your past relationship....

   afraid of attracting someone better?

   feeling guilty and ashamed that it 'didn't work out,

      instead of seeing it as a stepping stone to attract a better relationship for you....

Is it a pattern from you youth.....

   afraid to be responsible for yourself?

   afraid that not all your family will accept you anymore 

      instead of embracing and respecting each others uniqueness....

Is it to always being right....

   to hide your insecurity?

   to believe that there is only one 'rightness', one truth

      instead of realising there are different truths for different people...

Is it to be always available for everyone.....

   to hide that you believe you only worth living, as you give?

   to believe that others can not do it the 'right'/your way

      instead of feeling part of a community and you do it together.

Is it to be in control.....

   to hide that you don't believe someone will help you in the right way?

   to hide your insecurity and feel 'safe',

      instead of Knowing that you are your own parent know and you can make yourself safe.....

Is it to be the best parent....

   to hide your own wounded child?

   to be a 'helicopter' parent, hiding your insecurity and anxiety

      instead of Knowing that YOU are the parent now, and YOU can trust....


Could it be that we forgot that each of us is a masterpiece.....

Could it be that our parents/grandparents forgot that as well.....?

The history of Slavery 

is not only the history of black and white.

It is the history of poor and rich,

of power.

Power over and being a victim.

About fear and love

It is the story of




It is the story of family's and country's.

Is is the story of us and them instead of  'We are all One'

Can we make the next step?

Stepping out of our victim ship and step in our power?

Letting go of guild and shame and be responsible.

Can we see where we still play the victim in our own life

AND .....accept it first 

AND.....then choose to let it go....


Are we still afraid of our power,

afraid of the consequences

-our wounded child 'knows' the consequence

and can forget that we are the adult now.....

we are here to protect....-


do we accept it...

Speak up when needed,

go through our fear, remembering our power.

DO what is needed,

BE the change you want to see in this world.....

A good movie to re-see is 'the shift'

The Shift by Wayne Dyer (


'You are born to live in abundance'

'You are powerful beyond measure'.

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