Monday 2 September 2024

Can you choose for compassion......first with yourself?

 When a baby is born,

it is welcomed with love, patient and protection.

Parents are happy and will do everything to make sure it is safe and secure.

If it cries they pick it up, give lots of love 'just can Be'......

It can be unique, incomparable.

How long can a child be in this space.....

There whole childhood, or.....

.a few weeks, months, a year.....

Do we as adults Know we are unique, incomparable

or do we believe 

we have to proof something 

to hide our wounds....

Do we realise our inner child is speaking up

when we 'think' we can not be our unique self....

Do we realise our inner child is speaking up

when we react strongly emotional....

Do we realise our inner child is speaking up

when our body gives us signs........

With all the retrograde planets and Mercury still in it shadow,

there is no easy way out....

I thought I did a lot ......

I spoke up, looked at family patterns and.....felt so much better

and then.....

-most likely because I am ready to go a layer deeper again ;-)-

I am challenged again.

Luckily I was prepared, organised and still......

I am asked to speak up a bit more

and this time my arms got an allergic reaction:

red, itchy, swollen.......

-arms are connected with communication-

Mars is involved  -red, itchy-: 

am I still holding on to old patterns?

Is it still more safe to speak up 'a bit' than to be totally honest?

Am I afraid to hurt the other because I feel the hurt inner child


am I afraid to set boundaries.... am I worth it?!?

'The person you are asking about is trustworthy'......

A daily cart I got many, many times and.....

it took a while to realise that it was not about someone else.....

it was about ME.....

Do you believe you are trustworthy or.....

do you look at other people's reaction

and that is how you feel you are.......

Look at small children....

they 'just Are': 

happy, trusting, exploring...

They 'only' need an adult to make sure he/she is safe....

physically and emotionally.

Were you safe when you were small,

did you feel safe or.......

were you a feeling person in a thinking environment

and didn't know how to deal with it.....

finding ways to 'survive'...

What about parents in Lebanon, Israel, Palestine, Ukraine and Russia....

They were in a war before and have the chance to heal and let the trauma go,

or..... react from their pain.

What about the children who live there: 

will they feel safe and secure or do they have 'to fight' when they are teenagers

because there is still so much anger, so much insecurity inside.

Can we communicate and be open or....not.....

Uranus went retrograde and will stay there till January.

Pluto went back in Capricorn, till mid November.

Where in your life are you not free yet....

Were do you want to keep the old even if it is not good for you anymore.

What is society letting you believe,

What does social media let you believe


What do you choose....

Love or fear,

Abundance or lack,

Being authentic/you and trust that you are part of society,

or do you conform because of lack of self-worth.

Can you accept and go on,

or do you want to control.......

Sometimes my 'heart breaks' and

I Know every one of us has to go through there one issues.

I choose to be compassionate.....

Not only with others,

also with myself.....

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