Tuesday, 28 May 2019

Transformation and renovation... Part 1

Transformation and renovation has a lot in common.
The first step: making a decision.

When we bought our house years ago,
we found the kitchen to small,
didn't change this because…..
'all kind of reasons'.....
perhaps ;-)….it was not the right time yet.

I am sure you recognize this. 
If you decide to change habits, patterns
and/or situations and
deep down you know it is good to change,
there is a part in you that likes to stay in it's comfortzone.
You find excuses not to change...
till it is the right time...

And then….you realy do it,
you make a decision and prepare.
For a house it means looking for a contractor,
making plans and at that moment,
little things start to change.
We removed the tiles at the back of our house
and realised there were more then we thought:
good that we took time to do this...

Then something in your live happens and you
decide that it is time to realy change.
You recognize your patterns 
and start reacting differently. 
You can decide to ask for help,
so you don't have to go trough it
all by yourself.
It can be your spouse, friends,
a therapist, a course or a good book.

On the outside you don't see a lot of difference,
but there is a start.
You can not go back.....the contractor will start,
you made a commitment.

People around you don't see a lot of difference yet,
you made a commitment with yourself to change
and made the biggest step....
the first one…

Then the old parts have to go and this goes quick.
It looks as if only the outside changes,
that isn't the case....
the inside will as well.

Make sure you are grateful for the old parts:
they where in your life a long time
and served you.
You needed it hen.
Now you are ready for something new,
and are prepared to let go of the old.

In this first week, a very special woman left this earth.
She was 86 and young……
someone who changed my life.
She lived her life listening to her 'gut feeling'.
She did what was right even though others
were afraid to do so.
That is not easy to do in this time, 
but in the past it was even more challenging.
Sometimes family members didn't talk to her 
and that hurt her, however
she didn't change her opinion
if she thought/knew something wasn't right.
She is now in a new place,
a better place. She let go of her body,

After this there was lots of drilling,
lots of noise,
people under de floor made changes
to make sure there were enough cabels and pipes
for the new part of the house.
From the outside you didn't see a lot of changes,
after the first decision was made,
however in the base there was a big change.

We were invited at a wedding. 
They started a new life together.
This was the end of their big renovation
and a start of a new life together.
Two different families come together,
and became a new one.

The last years they let go of old patterns, 
made new habits  
to make a new base,
We all saw the love and a new family.

To become a family like this
takes time, patience and trust...
They took the time, trusted and....
are enjoying their honeymoon right now :-)

Then the next step:
pouring of concrete.
It looks if nothing happend
but it did.. 
A lot of people helped:
they worked together, respected each other,
and a bad mood was met with humor
instead of anger,
so everything went smooth.
And then…….
we had to wait…
patience and trust...

This part is the hard part in transformation:
you don't see the result yet,
it is as a flower bulb or a seed:
you Know there will be something nice
if you trust the proces,
if you are patient...
It will take time,
it can take longer then you like,
but it takes all the time it needs….

It is as with going on a diet,
and not seeing the results ….yet
It is as starting to get fit,
and not seeing the results….yet
It is as grieving, 
you want to go on with your life,
and you will….
if the time is right...

Then the nice part begins:
you  start rebuilding.
If the fundament is good.
it goes quick :-)
And now you want to go on,
to see the end result as quickly as possible
but no.….
You are in a progress,
even though
you don't see it:
some items need to be made
in an other location...
Again: patience and trust.

Duncan Laurence was the winner of the European Songfestival.
Not everyone believed in him in the beginning,
but he believed in himself and 
the people around him believed in him.
He listened to advise AND only took it if it felt good for him.
When he won, and came back to Holland, 
he was 'lost' one day: a day for himself…
Always make sure to remember that YOU are the most important.
Take time for you. 


Till now we had good weather,
there was rain,
but only after the contractor left.

This morning there is rain and it is the first time,
we have 'daylight' in our house....
The next face of renovation…

Now there is no choice,
we have to go on:
tomorrow  a big construction crane is arranged
and the preparations NEEDS to be done...

If you start your transformation,
there comes a time you have to open yourself.
Light will come in unexpectedly
and you can choose what you want to do with it.
Do you want to let it shine on dark sites in you?
Do you choose to let go
and take responsibility
or do you want to blame the one
who made the hole....

Sometimes you HAVE to deal with it,
because it is necessary for the next step....
If you don't deal with it,
it has consequenties....
because you can not go back to how it was..

Wednesday, 8 May 2019

20 jaar Benetnasch

Onderstaande schreef ik 5 jaar geleden.

Toen schreef ik 4 blogs achter elkaar: je kunt ze teruglezen als je klikt op mei 2014.

Benetnasch bestaat 20 jaar op 10 mei.
Er is veel veranderd in de laatste 5 jaar en.....
AARDEN is nog steeds heel belangrijk, net als eigenwaarde.

De komende maanden zal ik de site gaan updaten:
niet alles klopt meer.
Sinds vorig jaar voel ik dat er een verandering is
en toen ik in de horoscoop van Benetnasch keek
zag ik dat er nog meer veranderingen aan komen
en dat is goed.

Weet ik al wat die veranderingen zijn?
dat ik goed.
Ik vertrouw en heb geduld.
Ik weet zeker dat ik aanwijzingen krijg :-)

Benetnasch 15 jaar!! Eigenwaarde.....

Hallo allemaal

15 jaar geleden begon ik met mijn praktijk,
5 jaar geleden met nieuwsbrieven,
4 jaar geleden een website -dank je wel Nico :-)-
2 jaar geleden een facebook pagina -dank je wel Patricia :-)-

Vieren, dankbaar zijn, terug kijken.....
Ik las de eerste nieuwsbrief terug van 5 jaar geleden.
Deze ging over eigenwaarde........

Eigenlijk is dat waar het nog steeds over gaat.....
Vorige maand was een maand waar we nog
meer oude patronen los mochten laten,
grenzen aan mochten geven....

Hoe is het voor jullie geweest?
Zelf merkte ik dat er veel gebeurde:
mensen die ziek werden,
en ook mensen die ik met liefde los mocht laten
omdat ze op dit moment
niet het beste voor mij en
ik niet voor hun ben......

Mars gaat 19 mei weer direct lopen:
zijn er nog oude patronen in je die
over de houdbaarheid datum zijn?
Je merkt het als je moe bent,
boosheid naar iemand/iets voelt,
jezelf snijdt of -zoals ik had-
de accu van de auto begeeft het ;-)

Pluto is ook retrograde gaan lopen
en dat doet ie tot midden september:
willen we veranderen of.....
dieper in het moeras......

De afgelopen jaren heb ik vaak een film
aangehaald met een bepaald thema.
Dit keer wil ik dat met een serie doen:

Eigenlijk geeft deze serie weer wat er gebeurd
als er een trauma in de familie plaats vindt
wat niet verwerkt is.
Nu zou je denken dat daar alleen met therapie uit te komen is:
Nee, of je zou het leven als therapie moeten zien;-).

Als iets niet in balans is,
krijgen we mensen op ons pad,
situaties die uitdagend zijn en......
dat allemaal om weer bij onszelf te komen.....
Terug bij liefde.....
onvoorwaardelijke liefde...
Dementie kan ook een manier zijn.....

Stellenbosch speelt zich af in Zuid Afrika
en begint als Nelson Mandela president wordt
en mensen niet veroordeeld maar vergeeft....

De grote kracht van Nelson Mandela:
boosheid omzetten in energie voor een groter goed:
Een land, Een volk.....

Is het daar allemaal al in balans?
Nee.....dat zal tijd nodig hebben
en geduld....
Net zo als wij geduld met onszelf mogen hebben..

Zelf merk ik dat het thema eigenwaarde
weer heel erg speelt.
Betekent het dat ik terug ben bij af?
ik ben alleen een laagje dieper gegaan......
Misschien herken je dat.....

Zorg dat je jezelf waardeert
en viert dat je het zo goed doet
dat je weer een laagje dieper mag:-)

In Doha heb ik,
om het 15 jarig bestaan van Benetnasch te vieren,
een week roll outs en open ochtenden gehouden.

Houd van jezelf!

20 years of Benetnasch

This is 5 years ago.....
Benetnasch will be 20 years on May 10.
Lot of changes the last 5 years AND.....grounding is still so important.
All the blogs are still on the site. Most of them in Dutch.
-there is translation ;-)-
The coming months I will update the site:
not everything  is the same anymore.
Since last year I feel there is change and.....
when I looked at the chart of Benetnasch,
then I can see that there will be more changes
and that is good.
Do I know all the changes?
that is ok.
I trust and be patient,
I am sure I will get the signs 🙂

15 years Benetnasch: celebration! Grounding
Hello all
15 years ago I started Benetnasch on May 10th.
5 years ago, to celebrate 10 years of Benetnasch I started to write newsletters
-I think you can still see them on this site -
This time I will do one in English,
to see if that is something for the future 🙂
A lot of things have happened since I started.
We live in a different world,
with an energy that goes a lot quicker.
Celebrating is a time to be grateful and a time to share.
My celebrations started at the end of april with roll outs:
to help people get grounded.
We were in an energy that helped us to make us emotionally free.
To let go of patterns that were restricting us to live the life we really want....
What is it and what isn't it.
If you react you are not grounded, if you respond you are.....
If you believe that 'others' know best you can be grounded and can not be....
If you know 'the other' and know of their integrity,
if you can trust them, than it is ok.
If you don't know 'the other' but trust
because 'all people do' you are not grounded.....
If you believe that everything is possible,
you can be grounded and also not....
If you believe it and feel that the situation you are in is bad
and you want something new,
then most likely you are not grounded and don't get what you want.
If you believe it and Know AND Accept the place you are in,
realize that it is what you thought you deserved,
and now you choose different,
then you are grounded.
If you believe that eating good food helps you ground,
you are right.
however, if there is a lot of stress
because you think you will die or feel guilty if you don't eat healthy
you are not grounded.
If you take care of your kids and making sure they are safe,
you are grounded
however if you are afraid that if you are not there
something will happen to them,
you are not grounded and....
you make sure your kids cannot feel safe either....
Your mind is so powerful and it has a lot of habits and patterns
that were once very good, kept you safe, kept you loved,
helped you 'stay alive'.
However if you keep these habits as an adult,
you will not live YOUR life,
you still live the life as a child....
The last five year I got a lot of opportunities to ground
and to let go of patterns that kept me from being the best I could be.
Because of traveling -not only by plane but also in my mind,
I could let go and see things I didn't see before.
5 years ago, without realizing it,
I worked with a woman who had/has the same energy as my mom,
I wanted to please her, wanted to be loved.....
I was not grounded.
Because of letting go of patterns and a 'crisis' I woke up.....
and could let go.
If I had thought: 'that is it, now I am healed' then I wasn't grounded.....
I realize that is a proces and
 that I don't have to do anything,
that I am good as I am.
Life will send me more 'angels' to help me
to heal that part in me...
-At the moment I have another woman in my life
that challenges me: now I deal with it differently
I can feel I am more grounded now :-)-
As always with the mind,
the closer you come to home
your parents, your family
the more challenging it is to let go...
Your family, your safety,
the people you were close to as a child.....
They should love you unconditionally
they should treat you with respect
and you should treat them with respect as well....
How come that we sometimes let our family treat us with disrespect?
Is it because 'it is your family, and that is ok'
then you are not grounded....
Even in families, especially in families, you should
have to do nothing to be loved....
they should applaud you what ever you do....
it makes you happy.....
We as a society have a lot of fears:
about jobs
about fitting in
about war
about terrorism etc etc
This is not grounded.....
WE make society,
if we go back to who we are,
unconditional love, peace, abundance
then we can do whatever we want
then there is enough for everyone
All the belief systems we have that are different
are belief systems....not the only truth.....
Do I know how to do it all?
I take one day at a time
I enjoy living
I see challenges as mirrors so I can let go and be myself.
Is it always easy?
Is it always worth it?
The last 5 years were different than the first 10 years.
In a session now,
a lot more is happening
people need less therapy
and I am happy....
I don't have to test anymore when it is good
for people to come back....
They know and.....
if they don't know
they will find out
and learn to trust their intuition.
For me grounding starts with the mind:
how conscious are you...
For most people a reading of there birth chart
is a start of understanding and realizing
and a beginning of a change....
Reiki/energy healing is a start to let go
of blockages. -the initiations are totaly different than when I did them 5 years ago-
Tapping, healing code, Mir, Ho' oponopono are all energy healing methods to
to clair your mind of patterns that are not good for you anymore
and help you to remember and realize
that you are
That you can be all
that you want to be.....

Monday, 6 May 2019

Transformation part 2.

The summer months will be very important to all of us.
With Saturn and Pluto retrograde,
it is a time to go inside,
to re-think and re-visit situations,
places and emotions.
Expect to be confronted with fear and shame.

So easy to say, however…..
how is this in daily life?

Most of the time you will be confronted
with situations and/or emotions
that you have been dealing with in the past.
They come back to you
if you thought you had let go,
but didn't…..
If this happens, remember:
Be nice to yourself
it is 'just' a chance to grow….

Realise it all has to do with emotions
that holding on to them takes lots of energy.
So if you feel tired:
most likely you are holding on to something
your soul doesn't want to keep....

If you realise
that  all of a sudden
you go back to unhealthy habits….
be grateful…..
your soul wants to give you a sign
to look inside,
so you can choose to change...

It is Saturn and Pluto,
so the energy has to do with
authority, contracts, growing up, karma,
family patterns
and also with death, rebirth and power.
With creating a balance
between family and work/society
emotions and stability.

It is so easy to stay in the comfort zone
It looks like harmony and peace,
it is...
at the surface only,
and that is not enough for Saturn and Pluto.
It wants REAL harmony, real balance.

Next year jan. both Saturn and Pluto will come together.
The last time they did in Capricorn was in 1516....
so that is a loooooong time ago….
It was the year that Martin Luther protested against
corruption in the catholic church….

World wide we see already that a lot of issues come up:
do governments and companies work for the people
or is there power mis-use and corruption?
We are in a changing world,
a world that should be a safe place for all.

For me……
this is 'the easy side' of it:
we can blame someone else,
we can blame situations,
we can blame society...
If we do, we can stay in an old situation, stay a victim
instead of taking responsibility for our selves
it looks easy,
but isn't in the long run...
It makes us feeling depressed, not happy,
we are born to be our unique self,
and deep down we want to share this with the world.

Can we accept what we can not change
and change what we can….
Do we realise that we are
'powerful beyond measure'

Are we living our dream?
Do we realise
that we only can have true harmony
if we live our truth and be prepared to look into our shadow.
Do I live my dream…..
or do I use excuses...…
Do I want to deal with my shadow and...

Do I recognize when I am IN my shadow?
-feelings of fear, anger, lust, envy or being vulnerable-

Do we Know, we are not our shadow….
Do I know…..Know
that I am powerful…..

In Holland May 5th is liberation day.
For me Jan. 2020 will be a liberation time....
Are we open to transform
are we open to live a life in abundance
abundance for all?
Can we come together and step into the future in a new way,
a way that is good for all?

The last time Saturn and Pluto came together
in another sign -Libra- was in 1982.
It started a new period,
that had to do with relationships,
loving yourself.

If you look back at that time,
you see that relationships changed after that.
More woman started to work outside the home.
Relationships were not 'for ever' anymore
and the divorce rate went up.

As you look around,
you see that it is not always an easy task…..
For most people it is still a challenge:
finding the balance between
loving yourself AND being in a loving relationship.

So with Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn together,
we should also have patience…
it will also take time.

Government, family's, company's will not change overnight.
We can help speed it up,
by taking responsibility for our selves.
With the sign of Capricorn,
it is not only personal this time:
it also has to do with the world,
our planet.
We should be leaving it
in a good way for the next generation.

-For people who have there own chart: look at the house where you find 23 degrees of Capricorn. Also look at your personal Saturn. Most likely you can imagine which house in 

If you have personal planets around 23 degrees in the Cardinal signs and/or you moon nodes
are involved, you Know it is a time with lots of changes to make sure you will get a more balanced life.
Be patient, be flexible, love yourself.-

Thursday, 2 May 2019


Last month I read a lot of books
and the theme was all about dead...
I didn't choose this theme, it chooses me.

What is dead?
For all people it means something different and
it all has to do with transformation:
letting go of what is, so there is space for something new.
Most of the time there is sadness involved.

….is so different then the end result…..

In the book 'Let me lie' 
it seems that 2 people committed suicide…..
did they or...…?
How is it is to be 'fooled' by people, 
especially if they 'act' so nice…..
How easy it is to judge….and
how challenging it is to let go of old patterns….

Another book was about a mother who lost her son.
How do you deal with emotions and
how do you deal with people who are going through a loss?

'I know how you feel'.....
she was angry when people said this to her,
especially if they didn't lose a son themselves…..so right.....

I know how it is to lose a brother by a car accident,
I know the feeling how it is to lose a brother and sister by suicide,
I know the feeling to 'lose' brothers because we went different ways….
I saw how it was for my parents to lose a child,
however…..I don't know it myself…. and hope I never  know …

Most people get lots of attention a few months after a loss and then….
it seems forgotten, but for them…..it is just starting,
and will never go away.
Are you still open for there story's? Or do you want to move on....
Let's make sure that we remember…

We remember this and enjoy it: it is something from the past that remind us that we should slow down and enjoy life -at least that is it for me ;-)-
It is also nice to remember nice story's of all the people who are not here anymore
and had a big impact in our lives.

I love a sentence in a poem which says:
'You are not dead,
 you are only dead if you are forgotten'
That is why it is important to talk about them,
because they were part of our lives.
Our lives will always be different because of them.

I also started with the books the Seven Sisters.
A father who adopted 6 sisters, dies 
and leaves clues to them to find out where they came from.

It is so important  to know your past.
There are so many old emotions that started there
and it is not easy to move on 
if you don't want to go there or can not go there.
If you can accept how is was,
then the past can be a part of the future.
And like in these books, life gives
you always signs on your path.
The story's of the Seven Sisters, 
go all back to there mothers past.
You go back to there families, there past,
and understand the situations, accept, forgive
and also see there power.
They all had  a loving adoptive father
and.....didn't know they were missing something,
till they went on a quest for there past.

By reading these book you realise how important an mother is,
and how important it is for children/adults to find out there past.
If you find your past, you can accept, let go and transform.
It is not always easy....
I am sure it is not always easy to become a butterfly....
it takes time,
lots of patience
and dealing with emotions
-how hungry is the catterpillar….can it find enough to eat to transform..-
We all will make this quest in our life,
most of the time after a 'death'
-could be losing someone, losing a job, losing health etc...-

We will start a renovation of part of our house, 
it will be messy before it becomes beautiful,
I am sure there will be challenges,
and I am sure there will be solutions.
Do I have enough patience;-)
we will see :-)