Tuesday 23 November 2021

Peace from broken pieces....part 2

 Can you still trust?

When I look at a baby or a little child,

I see the wonder and the trust in their eyes....

They trust that they can be who they want to be....

There is an openness 

were trust is not an issues....

there is only love.....

I realise that every parent wants the best for their children,

and teachers want to be the best they can be,

as do organisation and governments....


it doesn't go as we always want it to go


it always goes as it should....

Can we choose to trust again

and remember our inner power,

our unconditional love

 and speak up when needed?

We all make 'mistakes'

because we can not see the whole picture.

We all have broken pieces....

Are we accepting this and are we open to listen 

to each other and find a middle way,

find Peace...?

I saw a documentary about 'broken pieces' in this time of Corona....

A 15 year old girl didn't know what to do.....

Her parents were divorced and her father had seen people

on the IC with corona and wanted to be vaccinated.

Her mother was against it and didn't want it....

She lives one week with her father,

one week with her mother.

This 15 year old girl....didn't know what to do,

didn't want to disappoint dad and didn't want to disappoint mom....

She couldn't do all the activity's with her classmates

because she couldn't make a decision....

she felt depressed...

Heartbreaking and I wondered:

how was this divorce......

broken pieces....?

Another young couple 

lived in a house with others: a community.

They were the only ones who weren't vaccinated and....

afraid to speak about it,

afraid what 'others' would think about them,

assuming it would not be ok....

How come they are 'afraid' to talk about it,

afraid to be themselves,

especially because all of them had chosen 

this form of living in society?

Broken pieces.....?

A father - 83 years old- didn't want his daughter to visit him

because she had chosen not to be vaccinated.

They had been very close 

especially because of loosing his wife/her mother

when she was young. 

He is married again....

They both felt torn...

At the end she decides to go to his house 

to bring flowers and....

she brings a 'vaccinated friend'

to present them.

She is very anxious:

 'Will he let me in? Will he be very upset

that I am doing this?!?'

When this friend presented the flowers,

she stood at a distant and....

when her father sees her, 

he immediate greets her ....

You can see he is happy to see her

and.....he ask her in....

With 1,5 meter distance in the house,

they talk and connect again......

You can make peace with broken pieces 

with respect .....

and love....

We just had a Lunar eclipse on Nov. 19: 

an ending of an era. 

An ending is always emotional

The last time we had this was in 2002.

What was going on in your life at that time?

Remember that an ending always means 

there is a new beginning as well...

What was your new beginning at that time?

Are you ready for new beginnings

or do you still need time to make 

'Peace with broken pieces'......

This time the eclipses are even more important

because of the Saturn/Uranus square:

a 'new' world......

respect for everyone.....

The old, outdated patterns should go.....

Most likely you see those patterns in the outside world,

and hopefully you see them also in your own life...

Realise that we only can have this 'new' world

if we make Peace with our personal broken pieces first.....

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