At the moment I am reading two books,
one about 'the anxious generation' one about 'Dose'
Both books relate to each other AND show
also how we dealt with the Pluto in Capricorn energy
from 2008 till 2024.
The consequences of this period
what we 'need' to transform the coming years..
-while Pluto moves trough Aquarius-
Transform, so we can be unique, authentic
AND be part of the group/society.
Respect, compassion for each other
and for ourselves.
Rules and regulations that are needed
to keep everyone healthy and safe.
Time to accept, heal and let go.
While reading this book I realised even more
how the smart phone and social media changed our lives
and especially for the young people.
They went from a play-based child hood,
to a phone-based child hood.
Instead of discovering the world,
learning by risky play,
a lot of parents wanted to make sure
that their kids would be protected, safe.
They knew how 'the world' was,
saw the dangers AND wanted to make sure
'bad things' wouldn't happen to them.
Was it from an healed or a wounded energy.....
From fear or....from love.
A lot of organisations/institutions/family's
had skeletons in their closets and.......
they had to face the consequences.
It looked like the world was becoming a lot saver.
It was,
only there was a 'new world coming:
in 2007 there was the mobile phone and
in 2008 there were the apps.....
A new world was starting,
we made sure the world we knew
-the old world- became safer
we had to invite this new world:
'the world of Mars'....
A world we didn't know,
a world we assumed
to be safer than the world we were living in....
Was it/is it safer?!?
In 1980 people tried to build a self sustained eco system in outer space.
It was designed to support 8 people for several years.
It didn't work:
healthy trees fell over,
they grew to quickly and.....
didn't build up a healthy root system
and wood that was strong.
They realised trees needed wind to become strong,
they alter cell structure...
Children are the same: they are 'antifragile',
they need challenges to grow....
Physically and mentally..
While the outside world became safer
a whole generation grew up
with this new world, 'the mars world'.
Instead of playing, children stayed inside.
They moved in this new world AND
adults and children had no idea how it worked in this world.
How safe is it?
As a teenager in this book said:
'I al of a sudden was on a porn side when I was 10.
My mom was in the next room cooking a healthy meal
with different coloured fruit and vegetables'
Could it be that this is why we have an epidemic of Mental illness?
Don't we know anymore how to relate to each other?
When mobile phones were banned in schools a few years ago,
a lot of children didn't like it at all,
now they are happier: 'we talk to each other and that is fun!'.
'No social media till 16'
For lot's of country's this is the next step,
the next 'rule'......
Sometimes it looks like people thing that
'rules are bad'......
For me: rules make sure you get freedom,
freedom for everyone
and it keeps everyone safe.
-I mentioned this before:
just imagine going in the car
to a place you want to go and
there wouldn't be traffic lights
or signs......
would you arrive safe and sound
to the place you want to go?!?-
It brings us a lot AND we need rules and regulations
to make sure we are free to be ourselves.....
Then about this other book: 'Dose'
D for dopamine.
What do you REALY want and......are you motivated enough
to go for it.....
did you forget you had the 'courage muscle'
because you didn't need it.....
How big is your motivation.....
When reading I realised that when I got cancer,
I developed a long time motivation,
a determination to go through whatever was needed
to live my life.
I also realised that playing the guitar,
was something I liked,
but not enough....
I also realised I didn't want it for myself,
I wanted it as an extra for the grandkids......
Do you have a goal?
As a teenager do you want to do what is needed?
As a young adult did you learn that 'wind and storm'
is needed to make you strong?
Do you realise that programmers want you
to be 'addicted'....that is how they earn money?
Can you set boundaries and choose what YOU want to see
AND take time to live YOUR life?
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