I saw the documentary 'Free At last'
After 27 years in prison,
Nelson Mandela was freed.
Instead of wanting revenge,
he wanted a new start,
let go of the past and start new....
He became the first black president of South Africa.
His dopamine level must have been very high.....
Now it is 30 years later:
what happened with the people.
Did the truth and reconciliation commission work?
Did the witnesses, amnesty, reparations and rehabilitations work?
Could people forgive and move on
and did the perpetrators realise what they had done?
Watching this,
I realise that every person has it's own path
and it's own time and....
you should respect that....
also respecting that sometime you still can not forgive....
you need more time.
Emotions are powerful.
Could it be that emotions are like 'mobile phones':
if you don't deal with them,
if you don't set boundaries,
you become and stay a victim.....
Nelson Mandela could do it
-he had 27 year the time to deal with it-
he saw the big picture.
He realised that if he wanted peace,
he needed to talk.....to communicate.
It took time and patience, a big goal.....
He had to communicate with people who put him in jail......
In stead of revenge, he choose to find a middle way
so every one could live
in the same country.
Now, 30 years later it get's better,
but it is not yet the country Nelson Mandela imagined.
Perpetrators realised how they were manipulated,
used and raised there consciousness.,
And still....not everyone is ready to forgive,
the hurt is to deep.
Seeing this,
shows how important it is to respect each other,
respect each others path.
You realise what a special leader
Nelson Mandela was......
Instead of revenge he choose forgiving and peace.
And still .....it takes time.....
Did we learn something from this?
Before South Afrika, there was Word War 2,
now there is Israel/Palestine,
How are the leaders in this world.....
What is their big vision,
is it for All people, like Nelson Mandela,
or is it 'ego'.......
-with Pluto in Aquarius we can see the immature energy of Leo,
the opposite sign....-
How is it with us?
Did we deal with our emotions
and do we see the big picture?
Can we accept......
forgive and move on?
Can we also accept
that we are not ready yet,
if everything is not going as we imagined it?
Can we choose
to have compassion with ourselves
take it one step at a time.....?
Building dopamine takes time and effort.
Stepping out of our own prison
needs consciousness and communication:
perhaps not all of our convictions are right......
perhaps we were still acting from a wounded child.....
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