Friday, 14 February 2025

Are you a prisoner ?!? Part 2

How do you speak to yourself?
Do you realise how you do?
How come we have a tendency to judge?
What do you choose 
to see and hear on social media?
Are you in charge or...your mobile phone.....

In the book Dose, you realise straight away
the connection with the 'phone based generation'
We want instant gratification:
the good feeling NOW......
This doesn't help with building dopamine...

Dopamine is built through effort,
it is not something you are born with,
not 'a talent'....

For me it has to do with Saturn.
Saturn, the planet of 
patience, determination,
commitment, responsibility, 
discipline, perseverance
and also limitation and restrictions.

It also has to do with parenthood:
being there for your children to help
them to live and survive/thrive in this world.
Saturn 'tests' you every 7 years:
after 7 years you get new teeth,
you get more responsibility's
and go to school to learn 'life'
-reading, writing, dealing with friendships etc.-

Around 14 you go to middle school:
often farter away from home.
You have to deal with more people,
new people, homework
and puberty.....
There will be challenges, hurts,
all to make you strong.
-remember the tree from the last blog-

Parents are there to be loving be patient,
that challenges are helping making them strong.
Perhaps painful to see AND mirroring
the parents old wounds: are they dealing with them
or do parent choose -subconsciously-
to avoid this by 'taking the wind away'
not realising that this prevents them 
to be strong in the future......

Around 21 you find the job you like to do,
or are studying for the job you like to do.
Now is the time to be responsible for yourself.
The next 7 years you get the time
at around 28 the cycle starts again.

How did you do these first 28 years?
Do you need some more patient, responsibility,
determination you need to let go of
guild and shame you build because
you felt you had to prove something,
you had to live the life your parents wanted you to have.....

The phone based childhood 'forgot' to build dopamine
and come in a flow state.
Some did, by doing sports or reading,
the phone apps were build to 'addict you'....
You didn't have time to get in a flow state.....

As an adult you 'had' to go to your work,
do the dishes, take care of the children,
the children didn't build up that dopamine.

They need the time to get in this flow state.
They need parents who help them
How many parents are dealing subconsciously
with their own unhealed emotions? 
Overprotecting and......
 -not knowing this 'world of Mars'-
 didn't help.....

You can built this up.......
start with 15 minutes.......
if it is only 3 at the beginning, accept it....
next day can be 5 or 8.
Take you time, let go of the judgement...
be disciplined.

Where in your life do you need to take the first step?
It could be: 
-'instead of the elevator I take the steps'
-'every morning I make my bed'
-'no phones in the bedroom, I get you an alarm clock'
-'I clean the dishes first and then I...'
-'We clean your clothes draw together and then
 we read a book'.
- 'I love how you love to have a clean room'
  after you helped clean the room.
-'You know, you fell down often before you could right the bike,
  and you still went on because you wanted to right the bike. 
 This is just like that: not so nice now but you will be happy later'
-'Can you help me with this?'
-'I know you didn't mean to, but you hurt me,
  can I get a hug?'

We are at the end of the cycle of Saturn.
Who were you the last 28 years?
Were you to strict, of do you need more discipline.
Did you build Dopamine and.....
do you need more
to have the life you love to have....

Neptune is also at the end of a cycle,
a 165 year cycle...
Could you let go of old paradigms?
Do you still believe all you thought 
or did you realise that
some of those believes were not true?
Can you let them go?
Are you open for new, better ones?
Do you still need to control
or can you trust more and more....

The world is mirroring this energy as well 
Did we learn from the past,
or didn't we heal enough and
do we need to repeat......
Next time more.


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