Wednesday, 26 February 2025

Oxytocin and Mars.


the planet of energy, action, war,

courage and desire, 

aggression and drive,

went direct on Feb. 24.

From December last year it went retrograde.

These last months we got the time

to look inside, re-think, re-flect.

Inner conflicts, frustration

and.....infections/feeling sick

are signs of this energy.

In the sign of Cancer,

it most likely had to do with feeling emotional safe,

family patterns....

-did you celebrate Christmas with family

and new year with friends did it go?-

Did you had expectation or.....could you

 'just accept and enjoy'.

Now Mars is direct 

you can take action.

Did you deal with old patterns, old idea's 

or did you need some signs from outside?

Did you get signs from your body

and could/did you take time to rest?

Did you find your drive/passion again and:

what will be your action the coming time,

the first thing you will do?

Do you Know what you like to do?

Did you build on slow dopamine or

are you still 'a prisoner'.

A prisoner of past emotions,

a prisoner of 'your phone',

quick dopamine.

Do YOU choose your life

or does life chooses you.......

Do you look at social media

and the world around you and feel 

stuck/fear or

do you choose to think for your self,

challenge thoughts and feel connected 

with the people around you.

Dopamine Oxytocin ....S....E...


You get this when you are with others.

Knowing you can do more when you do it together.

When we needed to hunt to get food,

we had to do this together to survive.

-Those animals were to big and scary-

We had to trust each other and were grateful

that we could relay on others 

and they on us.

We don't need that anymore and it looked like it was ok.

Only....was it ok?!?

With Covid, we experienced what lack of human contact meant,

and realized that lack of oxytocin 

had a big impact on mental health

People NEED touch to live, to survive.

How many hugs do you give/get every day?

Do you have a strong family, group of friends?

What do you do to connect with people

Can you be grateful or are you in the blaming/judging energy....

If you are in the blaming/judging energy,

most likely your oxytocin level is low.

How come you don't Know that you are good 

'just the way you are'?

How do you talk to yourself:

do you love yourself unconditionally

or do you compare yourself with someone else.

How come you do that? Who let you believe

that there is competition: the world, social media,

religion, your parents?

What happened after you were born and were held by your parents:

did you feel loved and protected,

did you feel part of a family/society/country?

Being born is an important event 

which is the base of the rest of your life......

What happened after?

AND: what happened when you became an adult?

Do you have social connections

or is you phone your social connection....

How do you talk to yourself:

how critical are you?

-if you are not sure: look how you react on social media,

judge people, are stuck on your own convictions...

most likely you talk to yourself in the same way.....-

You can do all kinds of things to let Oxytocin grow

only.....if there are unhealthy/wounded believes inside of you

it will not stick......

Did you get wrong believes about yourself when you were a child?

Remember: You are unique, special and you are love.

Did you get the believe that you are only part of 'the group'

if you did what 'they' liked?

Remember: You are born to be unique 

and the group will benefit

if you show them who you are 

and you benefit if they show you who they are.

'Donald Trump'* likes all of us to go back,

back to be a caterpillar only.....

that is not possible....

We all are in the process of being a butterfly....

we will and can not go back...

-*You can write any politic leader that shows no respect for

each individual. Who likes to power over people instead of being a leader.

I am sure you all know people in your country, in your family in the world

who mirror this to us-

Oxytocin will grow if you connect,

connect in person.

What will happen to the world if we all come together,

help when we can,

ask for help when we need it

and see each other as an unique human being?

Let's start with living,

to be grateful

and look at our mirrors.

Where in our lives are we blocking ourselves,

are we afraid to be the butterfly, 

to spread our wings and fly....

Use the energy of Mars going direct

and let your oxytocin level grow:

connect and feel confident.

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