Thursday 24 February 2022

Old energy is clearing.....

 The teacher I was talking about in my last blog,

was also our needlework teacher.

Because of her, 

I made sure my embroidery didn't look like

the one you see above:

'If it doesn't look good at the back, it isn't good at the front.'

When you came to her when you thought it was ready,

she sent you back if it didn't look neat on the back....

What a great message did she gave me/us....subconsciously....

What does appear in your live as fate?

And how do you react?

The covid 19 pandemic is at the end,

the transformation of our world goes on.....

Where in your live do you still want the control,

and does 'fate' shows you to let it go......

Can you let it go and accept or do you feel frustration

and are you impatient.....

We were flying to London....

there was a delay but.....

we could go just before the first storm broke lose:

the sky was blue and the sun was shining.....

The first day in London,

the storm was so strong, we were advised to stay home....

and....I was sneezing and had a running nose.....

I also had a great time with our son, bonus daughter and granddaughter.

Sneezing and a running nose.....

New energy want to come in and......I need 'to give' permission

to myself to let it in....

What didn't I fix.....yet.....

If I look at Zoe, I see an open, happy child,

a child that has fun,

has learned to communicate by 'signs',

because she can not communicate with all the words we use....

By doing this, people around her know 

when she wants something to drink/eat,

when she wants to sleep and had enough.....

She mirrors and asks for a finger if she needs support....

not because she is not stable/safe with walking,

but because she is not feeling emotional stable/safe.

She is my mirror......

She loves to learn and she teaches me as well....

Now we get another 'mirror' as world.....
Ukraine and Russia.......
or Russia against the world....
or one unhealed leader communicates 
not to listen but to be heard.....
to be seen, wants more power......
Forgetting that a leader should protect....

What do we do with this mirror
in our own world....
Is it like the 'embroidery' and
do we still like to pretend that all is well
on the outside,
without taking care of the 'back'/the past.....
do we AND focus on the beauty of the outside
AND make sure we deal with the 'back'/our past.....

Let's choose to remember
that all people we meet have a past....
Let's choose to be compassionate
Let's choose to remember that 'we don't know everything'
Let's choose to remember to be grateful.
Let's choose to remember we can and should set boundaries.
Let's choose to be victors instead of victims.
Let's remember that old energy is clearing and new wants to get in.....

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