Sunday 10 July 2022

Going through the 'loch'....

Solar flames/storms, Shuman frequencies,
the Comet K2 comes very close to the earth
and the full moon has a strong emotional Pluto aspect:
we are being 'helped'.....

'an unlearning, an excavation, a remembering of who we were
before the world got its hands on us....
And.....sometimes it is challenging:
be nice to yourself,
'forgive yourself for not knowing then,
what you know now....

expect emotions to come up
and remember: 
you can deal with it
and you don't have to do it all by yourself.....


The Comet K2 was first seen in 2017,
just between the planets Saturn and Uranus....
As if it came to help us  to go 'over the bridge'.....
-Chiron....the wounded healer'

Going from what we think others wants us to be and do - Saturn-
to find out who we really are,
what we really wanted to do and Be -Uranus-.
To be unique AND part of a community.

The Comet exist of ice and dust.....
it is a 'primitive Comet':
are we prepared to deal with 'frozen emotions'?
or does 'dust' prevents us of seeing clearly......

-I had a challenge with writing this blog:
it changed into a language I didn't choose to....
it took time to find out what it was:
I needed to accept, ask help
and.....realised I could do it myself :-)-

If you feel others need to change:
think again......
The other is 'just' a mirror of you....
Are you ready to change?
Are you ready to remember who you are?
Are you prepared do deal with your fear ?

We went on a bike ride and past a loch.
One loch door was open, the other closed.
When walking around we saw a boot coming from far.
We decided to wait.....

The boot navigated in the loch
and it had to wait....
an 'in between'.....
It has to trust that others would do what was needed
so it could safely go one.....
when the time was right....

And ....
all of a sudden I see the name of the boat: 
The sign in Astrology that stands for 
'vision, growing, healing, higher knowledge, consciousness'.
The symbol is a horse with a human head:
knowledge needs grounding or it can not be used.....

Sagittarius is the preacher, the lawyer, 
teacher, entrepreneur, missionary, travel agent....
What if the preacher 
is not living the morals he preaches....
What if the travel agent 
is talking about places he never went himself.....
What if the teacher teaches without looking at the student 
'did they get it?' but 'talks over their heads'...

feeling safe and secure,
enough money, healthy body 
and emotional in balance.
We all need grounding,
and being in this 'loch' helps us....

One of the characteristics of Sagittarius is also:
if it knows better it changes and does better.
It means to be always open for new information
and to be open for change.
Un unhealed Sagittarius can tell other people
to changes because 'I have all the wisdom'.....
'I know it all'.....
afraid to look at the 'mirrors'
life is presenting....

We are all in this 'loch'......
dealing with our emotions -water-,
We need to be in balance again
before we go on 
and that takes time
and trust......
It needs looking in the mirrors
of people/society/world.


We can choose to go through the loch door and move on
or we can stay were we are....
WE have to take the first step...

We only can do this if we trust.... 
if we feel safe to take action,
'the next step'....

It feels at the moment that a lot of people
are in this 'loch'......
wanting to go through the next door only...
not all emotions are in balance yet....

Emotions will come up and it can be fearful:
be patient and trust.
You will Know when you are ready....
remember: there is no competition...

you don't have to find yourself,
you ARE already yourself.
Life helps you to feel it again,
to let go of some layers,
unhealthy believes.
In 2008 it was the start of the wake up call,
the transformation in the world,
as mirror of all of us.
Now we are at the end:
how did the transformation go.
How are the leaders of our world,
they are mirroring us.....
How do we deal with nature:
do we respect it,
do we realise that we are here because of it,
or do we go on mistreating it,
it will give us mirrors as well....

Do we have to be afraid?
No......that is an old emotion....
we should take action,
small changes will take us a long way
let's do it with respect
to ourselves and the people around us,
remembering we all have our own timing
and we get all the time we need.


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