Wednesday 16 November 2022



The Queen of Holland talked about mental health:

 'talk, talk, talk to your parents/friends if you are not happy'

and also

'every day can not be a 10'

Her sister committed suicide a few years ago...

she chooses to heal and help,

not only herself but also 'society',

she also could choose to be quiet....

By this she is showing Pluto in Aquarius:

we are all important in society.....

If you are a 'queen' or 'cleaning a workplace'.


How come that

part of society still let us believe 

that if you go to university you are 'better' than if you go 

to community college......

We see in society

a shortage of skilled people:

teachers, carpenters, builders, waiters etc etc....

We are blaming governments

not seeing were we in our life We are 'to blame'...


change is needed...

Pluto in Aquarius will make sure it will happen....

Just remember 2008 when Pluto went into Capricorn:

big changes in banks, housing, finance......

We are at the end of this energy.

What we didn't do yet, 

and what was needed 

will come up the coming time.

Are the leaders of the world, leaders

or do they want control........

Are we taking responsibility for our selves

or do we hold on to old believes and

do we still need 'a mom and dad'

to take care of us.....

even if we are adults.....

Next year when Pluto moves in Aquarius,

we will see how far we came.

What are we doing as society.....

Are we as society respectful 

or are we forgetting ourselves in a group.

Are we mislead and following 'a group'....

forgetting to think for ourselves....

How do we deal with refugees,

Social Media, conspiracy theory's, 

deep fake movies...

Do we trust science and new technology

or do we hold on to 'what we know'....

even if it is outdated....

I am sure there will  be new inventions/innovations

that will help us all.

In schools there will be changes:

the old system is not working anymore

because society has changed.

A subject like 'how to deal with social media'

would most likely 

be the most important subject the coming years....

Is our mobile 

our connection with the world and relationships,

or do we still connect with people on a personal level.

Do we realise that we miss intonation of words

and the energy from people 

if we only connect by our mobile...?

How much did we heal in ourselves:

are we already being ourselves/authentic

do we see the other as an other part of you,

do we respects others even if they think different


do we judge.

If we do, 

we Know, we are still judging ourselves.....

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