Monday 27 February 2023

Patience and acceptance...

 A second Earthquake....

loved ones die,

your body seems not doing what you think it should,

'will I ever have the life I desire?!?'.....

All signs of this 'chaordic' time...

-the time between chaos and a new order...-

Between 1934 and 1942, 

Uranus went through Taurus,

In 2018 it went through it again,

till 2026.

Taurus likes to hold on to what it knows,

what feels safe, 

even if it isn't safe and secure anymore.

Uranus likes to be free, unique,

it will disrupt everything that looked safe and secure,

but wasn't.....

Relationships, money, society's.......


that was ok,

because she liked herself,

everyday a little bit more.

This last part is important.

Can you feel ok, 

do you feel loved,

 even if you have a different opinion.

Do you love and respect

someone with an other opinion as well.

Can you set boundaries

and move on if people don't respect you

even if you love them.

Do you look inside if you are reacting instead of responding,

and take responsibility for your own emotions,

or is it still 'they other persons fault!'.......

Can you forgive yourself for not knowing then,

what you know now

and say sorry when needed.

Can you accept an apology

and are you open to build a relationship again.

-forgiving doesn't mean not forgetting....-

 What Do we really need?

I remember a story from a nurse

who was with people at the end of their lives.

She told that she never had one person

who said:

 'I would I had worked harder' or

'I would I had more money'...

Lot's of people however said:

'I would I had made more time for my family/friend'

'I would I had loved more......

Could it be that Uranus will shake us up a bit

to remember us that

money will not keep us warm,

it will not feed us,

people do and will.......

Earthquakes are devastating and also shows us

that there is enough for everyone in the world,

it shows us we are all connected and feel connected.

More than 100 million euro's was donated in Holland,

so food can be bought, houses can be build.

Trucks with clothing and household goods 

went and are going to Turkey and Syria. 

We Are one......

Are you as generous with yourself as with others?

Do you treat yourself with respect and compassion?

Make sure you do....

you deserve it!

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