At the end of this year,
there is a new moon in Capricorn
and Chiron -the wounded healer- goes direct.
In July Chiron went retrograde.
Could you transform,
what was given you,
into power?
Could you feel your determination,
your courage,
your ability to deal with what was given to you?
Could you transform it into wisdom,
compassion and could you see they were 'just lessons'?
did you feel you were a victim,
did you choose to blame and feel guilty.
If you did, I hope you had compassion with yourself
AND found your power, your courage to deal with it.
I hope you realise now that you are
'powerful beyond measure'.
Capricorn asks us to be adults,
to be responsible.
It will confront us with parts of our life
were we don't behave as adults...
Can we AND follow rules AND also let go of rules
when it is necessary.....
How is it with our integrity?
Do we have strong opinions about the outside world
without looking at what it mirrors us?
Do we have respect for the people in our neighbourhood,
our families, our relationships and ourselves
or are we afraid to look at those mirrors
and deal with them in an adult way?
Are we open to let go of 'rules and regulations'
that we follow from our youth, but are outdated.....
Are we open for new ones that fits us better
are we afraid we are 'not loved' anymore if we do.....
Could it be that we are more afraid of letting go of those rules
then choose for our own happiness.....
This new moon in Capricorn
and Chiron going direct are 'helping' us.
Helping us to remember how important integrity is.
Remembering that the wound will stay, only
it is a portals to growing wisdom and compassion.
Instead of feeling guilt and shame,
you will remember that they are 'only' lessons.
Lessons to help us heal and grow.
Lessons to remember us how powerful each of us is
and together....we can make a world
were everyone feels happy and at peace.
We 'just' need to be patient and determent.....
I hope you all had a good Christmas.
Most of the time people spend it with family and/or friends.
These are the people who will touch immature parts of you,
so you can heal.
How was it for you?
Could you be AND yourself AND part of the group?
Did you like the 'traditions' or were they 'blocking' you......
Could you/would you choose to do something different next year?
Something that would make it better for you?
Could it be that it would be better for others as well?
AND.......are you afraid to bring it up
because 'off'......
-not knowing what the 'off' is......?-
And then there is the celebration of the new year.
Can you celebrate it in a way that is good for you
do people expect something from you, that you don't like....
Can you respect each other for your choices
and also give each other the freedom to celebrate it their way....
The theme of 2024:
Do we choose to connect or do we choose to fight.
Do we choose to be responsible for our own wounds
or do we 'want' others to solve it.
Do we choose from fear, or from love.
We are all One....