Saturday 8 August 2020

Mind .....we have a choice.....2


Sometimes you have to find a way past the obstacles....

If enough people do this,

there will be a new road....

Like you see in the picture....

The fence is there to make sure

you pay attention:

there is another road....

A lot of people saw this 


decided to pay attention


take there own path....

I see the fence as authority, government,

religion, upbringing:

it should be something to help

you grow,

and make sure you are safe.....

Sometimes, we have to

make new decisions,

because time changed,

we changed....

We still need guidance

only in a different way....

When I look at Lebanon,

I see that the people are not happy,

already for a long time....

Lot of corruption and....

lot of pain.....

How can you change 

if something like this is going on?

I had to think about Nelson Mandela.

He changed South Africa....

People thought there would be a war again,

when he became the leader.

They thought Nelson Mandela should be sooo angry:

he was put in jail for almost 30 years!!


he talked about forgiveness,

people took responsibility

and change happened....

Can Lebanon do the same?

Build a new country


take an even bigger step.....

After Nelson Mandela was gone,

there was still anger,

there were and are still things that are not ok.

For me it shows that even though

a leader has dealt with its issues,

he can not do it for others.....

He couldn't do it for his wife,

he couldn't do it for the rest of the people....

Taking responsibility 

is something we ALL have to do for our selves...

Looking back,

is only ok, 

if we also look at our shadow....

and choose to deal with it.

If not....

that shadow

will block our future.....

Let's deal with it....

so our shadow can 

'walk with us'

while we heal....

and we can start building a future,

a future we choose to,

a future that makes us all happy.

In Holland there is an account number

to support people in Lebanon.

It is not going to the government,

it is going to NGO's....

there is not enough trust in the government...

Sometimes the people who we should trust 

for our safety,

are not there to do what they should do

and then we should make different choices.

How is that with the Covid 19/corona virus?

How about those rules?

Some don't agree, some do,

some feel restricted, some don't....

I realise that it is all about our selves...

going our own path.

Respecting ourselves AND the community...

When I hear our prime minister,

I hear him talk about responsibility


sometimes I am shocked 

that people don't take more responsibility themselves....

'forget' that we are all One...

As I wrote before:

often I get the chance to get personal experience.....

For me it felt good

as a society to go into ourselves,

and deal with personal issues.

If we had a choice, 

we would not have chosen a virus 

I assume,

and I am sure Lebanon would not have 

chosen for this explosion....


it gave a lot of people chances....

Chances to change....

I know a lot of people 

who talked about

going back to nature, 

taking time for themselves

and how they didn't like the 'rat race' of society


Covid 19 made sure they got time for themselves,

nature got time to recover from pollution,


they got what they asked for

only not in a way the imagined....

Instead of going inside 

they complained.....

Are we still reacting from a hurt part deep down?

I am sure we do.....

In Beirut there is a lot of hurt,

hurt because of the wars,

people with trauma's,

and dealing with different religions.

A lot of people growing up,

didn't have a safe childhood.

How is it with the rest of us?

Was our childhood safe?

Was there someone you could to,

who felt safe,

were you could just be you?

How did you get punished/disciplined?

How was school, city/town?

Could you be YOU?

We now know,

how important the first years of children are....

Realise that all children want to please there parents....

even children who are abused....

Do you know YOUR truth?

Or are you still protecting others.....

It is not or/or...

it is and/and......

I had a great childhood


a very challenging one....

By taking responsibility for ME,

I had to let go of some people

and....those challenges made me stronger...

Am I totally free?

Not yet....but I am getting closer and closer;-)

Today we biked through the forest and saw this,

realising that this is how a lot of people are...

Looking big and strong from the outside,

not showing what is inside.....

How many of us feel 'hollow'....

and how do we fill this space.....

You make your future

by how you fill this hollow part:

with anger, sorrow, worry,


with forgiveness and love...

It is YOUR choice.....

How do you fill it?
Looking back....
and looking forward.....

I choose to look forward and deal with my shadow....
what do you choose?

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