Tuesday 11 May 2021

Sitting with your emotions.....

 It is so easy to say.....

Do you always sit with your emotions as they arise?

Do you think you can take the time,

or do you think you can deal with them 

at that moment?

I can not.....

even though I Know these emotions will come up again,

as often as necessary, 

till I deal with them...

I think most of you can relate....


'Sugar coating'.....I did that a lot

and do it less and less....

Two of the peonies didn't really bloom at the fullest

and I decided to cut a piece of the stem....

the same afternoon they bloomed full as well....

When I read this I thought I agreed....

but now I realise that sometimes 

it needs help to bloom 

by helping it in a different way.....

A part of the stem, the beginning, 

can 'be blocked'.....

and it prevents water and nutrition to flow 

were it needs to go.

When I cut this bottom part, 

the peonies started to bloom.

Was this part 'not necessary' ?

No....it was.....

it helped ones, 

but now needed to go....

I saw the movie 'Believe me',

the story about the abduction of Lisa McVey.

She survived an abduction by a serial killer.

She did, because she knew

how to deal with this kind of abuse......

She used this Knowing and....survived....

even made sure this serial killer was captured.

She remembered all the details,

and that made her 'unbelievable'....

We ALL remember all the details.....

not all the time consciously, but for sure subconsciously...

Lisa recovered,
made a conscious decision to survive
and after that .....to live.....

What is our choice......
Do we sit with our emotions
and realise they are ours.
Perhaps we procrastinate and 
are not ready to deal with it yet.
But... are we choosing to deal with 
when the time is right...?

The coronavirus effects our lungs....
energetically connected with sadness,
with taking our space,
speaking our voice...

Do we deal with our sadness,
or don't we realise we are.....
Do we act on our emotions towards others
by choosing to defend ourselves,
blame and shame others
attract more of what we don't want.....
and choose to blame some more,
be angry......

Is there sadness inside of you,
sadness you 'choose' not to deal with....
you are afraid of....
How is society dealing with sadness,
with grief.....

All parents want the best for their child.
Their child is part of them,
and it feels 
-most of the time subconsciously-
were the parents are not in balance.....
They will mirror them,
they want to 'help' them heal.....
Can we see this,
are we open for this?

Are you prepared to sit with your emotion
or do you choose to look at the behaviour of your child
as something that is 'not good',
doesn't fit in your plan......
choose to control instead of trusting....

How did your parents deal with sadness and grief....
did you 'inherited',
with all the amazing things you inherited, 
also their sadness and grief... 

The corona pandemic is 'helping'....
We all get time to be more with ourselves.....

Do you take that time
or are you filling it with....more working,
afraid of being with yourself....
filling it with looking at all the things you can not do,
instead of looking what you can.....

Are you open minded or do you think you Know it all......

I realise more and more 
how much we are programmed.
It is easy to say 'it's because of rules in society'
but for me that is just an excuse....

We are programmed first by our parents,
the society we were born in....
We had to learn to live in this world,
so we couldn't really be our unique self yet
but.....do we still think we can not,
do we start healing and 'bloom'....

We lived many years in the middle east
and there are lot's of rules and
lot's of freedom as well...

You 'only' have to be prepared 
to let go of the things you read and learned 
ABOUT living in another society
and start living IN it.....
be open for something new....
something different...

I hope you are prepared to do your own thing,
to let go of judgement,
starting with the judgement about yourself.

Accept if there is sadness in you.....
it is ok.....
Old programs need to go.......
'you have to be tough'
'boy's don't cry'
'you deal with it so well'
'only rich people get what they want'
'no one is helping us'
they are all old...

Sadness is part of life....
it helps us grow.....
It is part of the cycle of life....
after winter there will be spring again...

Can we, 
as Lisa McVey did:
use our past to help ourselves
and by that,
helping others?

By facing her fears,
and accepting help,
she could let go of people
that were not the best for her anymore.....
By doing this,
she made space to attract new people,
space for happiness
so she could be who she wanted to be.....

I was walking in the forest with a friend.

Some sheep and lamb were blocking our path.
No problem....
we just walked past them,
enjoyed the sight.
And then I wanted to open the gate...
it was stuck....

A lamb was blocking on the other side
and with a little push it didn't move.....
My friend said:
'just push a little harder, I help you'

That helped, the lamb jumped up 
and moved away....
I realised how challenging it is to go your own way
if someone nice is blocking it.....

I realised that I am 'afraid' of hurting the other.......
Did I hurt this lamb?
No.....it jumped and moved away to the other lambs
went it's own way,
as I went my own...
Perhaps the lamb needed that little push,
how come my first thought
was about 'hurting someone'......?!?

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