With Mercury in it's shadow and retrograde since May 30,
Saturn retrograde since last week,
Pluto in it's shadow, going retrograde in June
and Jupiter, who will go retrograde as well in the middle of June,
it will be a time to:
as many times as you need to......
There is no competition.....
it goes on till it's done.....
Till YOU don't need it anymore.....
I was going through some
old files and courses I taught
and found something about
'Fear zones'
and realised it fit's in these times.
Dan Millman wrote this about fear,
I adjusted it a bit.
Fear is a great servant but a terrible master....
Fear, like pain, can sharpen and advice,
but also overshadow or limit your life...
Fear comes in many disguises, such as:
'I'm not interested in that' or
'Why should I care?' or
'I can't'....
You are face to face with fear everyday:
afraid you are not doing enough,
afraid you are not good enough,
afraid of being rejected,
even afraid of being yourself...
Your fears are not walls...only bumps....
Courage is not in the absent of fear,
but in overcoming fear....
Without fear you could never show your courage....
Our body's show where there is fear,
and even if this doesn't fit with your believes,
it could be interesting to look at....
I had a challenge with my foot,
and it was when our whole family was together.
'Fear of being yourself' is the fear that relates to the foot.....
Some other fear zones:
Lower back: fear of life, shyness....
This part has to do with 'standing up for your self,
to 'shine' aswell...
Lower arms and elbow: fear of punishment...
Part around your kidney's: fear to take Your space in the world....
Let's remember
and take small steps
to overcome fear and let love in.
I already had a Mercury retrograde situation
on the first day it went retrograde:
Someone talked about a person and mentioned a name.
For me,
this name was the name of a family member
and I didn't relate it to someone else.
Later on,
when I asked a question about it,
it appeared to be about someone else,
and not the person I thought it was about......
I am glad I 'just' asked that question ;-)
There could have been
strange situation in the future
if I had believed what I thought was 'the truth'....
A reminder to check,
dibble check and stop assuming
that what you thought is 'the truth'.....
it could be a 'misunderstanding'...
Why did I mention this?
Because with Mercury and Saturn retrograde
you can experience 'blame and shame' feelings,
old feelings....
The energy is bringing it up so you have a choice:
to let it go or.....keep it....
to be responsible or.....blame and shame someone else or yourself
The soul knows......
It knows there is no competition....
There is no timeline.....
It works from love....
You will get another chance to heal,
and another one......
and another one
if you have to go deeper.
Re- adjust
Re- focus.......
as many times as you need :-)
Be humored,
be patient,
be open
and enjoy life!
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