Thursday 31 December 2020

'Respect, empower, include'.......


This year the Amaryllis turned out not to be red,

but double coloured.....

The year 2020 was different than others:

respect, empower, include...

We realised more and more that life is in us.

We are the most important link.... 

How do you see the world?

Do you see a friendly world or an angry one,

do you believe people are not to be trusted,

or do you believe people are good....

even though sometimes you have to dig deep ;-)

In 2008 Pluto went into Capricorn,

the beginning of the big change.

Barack Obama's team was campaigning

and they had these words in every office:

Respect, empower, include......

Great words 


there was a commitment:

talking bad about someone, 

even if it was in a joke, 

was not tolerated.....

A change was needed and

'politics could be less about power and positioning 

and more about community and connection' -B.Obama-

2008 was also the year I started with a diary

it was the year my practice changed and

the middle east become more important.

It was the year we had to choose:

did we want to live from fear,

or from trust.....

We choose to trust....

This year, 2020,

we knew we 'got the test',

not only as individuals,

also as the world.

Did we transform enough,

or did we need 'some help'....

The last years I gave you all 

an inside in mine/our transformation:

from moving back to Holland,

renovation the house,

letting go of loved ones

and inviting a new special person in our life's.

I hope and wish

that when you look back at these transformation years,

you can be grateful,

can take the next step

from trust....

I also hope you can let go of the old era,

the era of Or/Or 


know now that we 

are in a new era,

an era of And/And.....

We shouldn't compete,

we should choose to work together,

to include....

to respect and empower.

We can choose.....

Always remembering that our choice

is also a choice for our community......

These agreement says it all.....

Can you live by these?

So many people had to let go of loved ones,

of jobs, of mobility, of property, businesses

and it is easy to focus on this and 

stay in a state of being a victim.

You also can choose this.....

In this way 

letting go 

is not about loosing something,

it is about sharing.

Let's include everyone....

Let's respect everyone....

Let's empower.....

Obama's slogan was

'Yes, we can'.....

I like to ad:

Yes, we can....

....step by step.....

Yes, I can......

...step by step.....

Do you feel you have to convince someone?

Realise that most likely

you need to convince yourself......

This picture shows the future for me:

the innocent points a finger.....

they Know......

The Aquarius age is real.....

it is born.

We 'just' have to be open

protect and trust:

be patient,

growing takes time.....

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