Thursday 15 April 2021

Wounds and choices.....part 3

And while I look at this picture

I realise that there are sides....

for some this it is not so easy 

and for others it is....

People in the same situation react totally different

in the same situation....

My last blog got different reactions:
it touched something different in different people.
I expected this and because of that,
was a bit 'worried' of writing about it.

It touched my fear of speaking my mind....
'afraid' of the reactions.....
I still did.....

It touched my fear of being 'excluded'....
making a choice 
that some of you would make automatically, 
and others wouldn't make at all...

Where do I belong?
'Which group/family'?
And....what would happen 
if I have a different opinion
than the other group.....
would I be 'punished'?

This is also Saturn/Uranus....
Can you be YOU and be part of society
instead of the feeling 
that you have to choose one side....

If you have the feeling you have,
you Know there is a pain, 
a wound that 'wants/needs to be healed.

It can be safe to stay in a 'trauma identity'....
people feel for you,
you get attention and....
negative attention is also attention....

It is easy to say
'I am a lightworker'
what does it mean to be one?
For me it is someone
who is on a path of being the light.....
letting go of wounds
chooses to heal....
First him/herself,
so he/she can become
'a leader of leaders....'

Do you recognize your trauma?

It can be with health:
-how come you don't take action to get a healthy body?
Do you find excuses to stay in a trauma identity,
or do you choose to get out.
Do you focus on the outcome,
can you feel and see yourself healthy 
are you afraid to focus on that,
afraid you will be 'more powerful than you are'....
afraid to show YOU.....
'afraid' of the responsibility's.....

It can be with relationships:
-how come you don't take action if you are in an unhappy relationship?
Are you afraid you will end up alone, with no new friends?
Or are you afraid you have to deal with issues
and with that 
you have to take responsibility's..... 
Are you afraid you will be 'more powerful than you are'....
afraid to show YOU......

It can be with your place in society:
-how come you don't take action to get your 'dream job'
Are you afraid, they won't take you serious?
Afraid that they only see your 'faults'
not realising that those 'faults' 
helped you to be better than you where before?
Are you afraid that you 
don't have something special to give,
are afraid to show YOU?

It can be financial:
-do you feel there is not enough money 
to do what you want to do
is it really about Your wish,
or is it what you think society
'wants' from you....

Do you want new clothes all the time,
do you want to eat out so often,
do you need to go on expensive holiday's,
do you need to visit 'friends' all the time...

I hear a lot of people talking about 'this year of corona'.
They are experiencing a different world.
A lot of them realising that they 'forgot' about 
the 'I' in the the past
and now they 'had to'.....
Realising that they did to much 
what others expected from them
and are now realising 
that they have a choice. 

They will make different choices
after everything will be open again...
They feel stronger to choose.....
the 'I' is stronger.
They Know they still belong to society 
even if they don't say yes 
to all the things  -the old- 
expects from them......

Was it easy?
I don't think it was an 'easy' year....
growing is never easy.....
we need something/someone
to get us out of our comfort zone ;-)

The biggest challenge is letting go of control....
I realise, 
that even with challenging situations in my life,
situations that I had to let go of control,
I have/had control issues....

This year helped me to deal with them,
I realise that I trust more,
enjoy more.

I also realise that I would like to do more again ;-)
Do things that I can not do now,
because of restrictions.
I Know this will come,
probably there is more healing to do,
more trust needed...
Probably we are not at the 
'tipping point' ....yet...

Wounds and dying.....
Corona and dying.....
Even though so many people 
believe that energy goes on,
that dead is a transformation phase
and part of life,
even so many of us are 'afraid' to die.......
not trusting that we go to that next phase 
when it is our time and not before....

Could it be that this is our biggest wound.....
and because of that
we are afraid to live,
to take chances....

Everything and everyone will be ok....
I believe and trust this.

We don't have to do it alone,
we have each other.
Start living now,
and see your emotions as mirrors,
respond instead of react.

Love is the candle in the dark.
Fear is the dark.....
Love is so much stronger....
YOU are so much stronger....

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